

  • u eutral service
  • unneutral service


        违反:    violate; run counter to; tra ...
        中立:    neutrality; neutral; standin ...
        行为:    action; behaviour; conduct; ...
        违反中立行为非中立服务:    u eutral service; unneutral service
        违反中间条款:    breach of intermediate terms
        独立行为:    independent behavior
        违反中间性条款:    breach of intermediate terms
        中立化行为:    act of neutralisation
        反中:    sorinaka
        立行:    stanley huang; tatsuyuki
        违反协定行为:    malpractice
        违反行为准则:    code violation
        违反义务行为:    act against duty
        集体违反纪律行为:    concerted act of indiscipline
        行为合法, 不违反法律:    keep on the right side of the law
        违纪行为;违反纪律行为:    disciplinary offence
        违反明文规定的行为:    acting contrary to declaration
        违反社会规范的行为:    dissocial behaviour
        违反体育道德的行为:    unsporting behavior
        违反治安管理的行为:    conduct in violation of security administration
        中立:    neutrality; neutral; standing in the middle; neither on one side nor the other 保持中立 remain neutral; 永久中立 permanent neutrality; 严守中立 observe a strict neutrality; 有的国家宣布中立。 some of the nations declared neutrality.; 中立地带 neutral zone; 中立法 law of neutrality; neutrality law; 中立港 neutral port; 中立区 neutral zone; 中立条约 treaty of neutrality; 中立者 neutral; 中立政策 policy of neutrality; 中立主义 neutralism
        违反:    violate; run counter to; transgress; infringe 违反党的政策 run counter to the policy of the party; 违反法律 breach of law; contrary to law; disregard of law; 违反合同 breach of contract; 违反交通规则 violate traffic regulations; 违反决议的精神 be contrary to the spirit of the resolution; 违反历史潮流 run counter to the trend of history; 违反外事纪律 breach of discipline of dealings with foreigners; 违反劳动纪律 violate labour discipline; 违反诺言 break a promise; 违反社会发展规律 go against the laws of social development; 违反习惯 offend against custom; 违反事实 fly in the face of facts; 违反条约 transgress a treaty; 违反客观规律 go against the objective laws; act in a way contrary to the objective laws; upset the objective proportions of; 违反刑法 commit a criminal offense; 学生们受到告诫, 不要违反校规。 the students were told not to break any of the rules of the school.; 违反合同 contravention to treaty; breach of contract; 违反合约 contravention to treaty; 违反协定行为 malpractice; 违反信托 breach of trust; 违反行车规则 driving offence
        反中毒:    antipoisoning
        反中子:    antineurtron; antineutron; antipodal point
        黄立行:    huang lixing; huang, li hsing; stan up; stanley huang


  1. "违反制裁"英文
  2. "违反治安管理的行为"英文
  3. "违反治安规定而受拘留者"英文
  4. "违反中间条款"英文
  5. "违反中间性条款"英文
  6. "违反中立行为非中立服务"英文
  7. "违反注意义务"英文
  8. "违反自然"英文
  9. "违反自然地"英文
  10. "违反自然地, 奇迹般地"英文


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