

[ kōngkǒuwúpìng ] 发音:   "空口无凭"的汉语解释   用"空口无凭"造句
  • a verbal statement without any proof; a mere verbal statement is no guarantee.; oral expressions cannot be taken as proofs.; lest a verbal arrangement should not furnish a substantial proof ...; mere words without a factual basis 短语和例子
  • 空口无凭立字为证:    words of mouth being no guarantee a written statement is hereby given
  • 空口:    eat dishes without rice or wine; eat rice or drink wine with nothing to go with it
  • 口无:    kuchinashi
  • 空口袋:    kong kou dai
  • 空口令:    empty password


  1. Words of mouth being no guarantee , a written statement is hereby given .
  2. If you wish to have this in writing, we'll reduce it into manuscript immediately .
  3. Just because someone doesn ‘ t love you the way you want them to , doesn ‘ t mean they don ‘ t love you with all they have


        空口无凭立字为证:    words of mouth being no guarantee a written statement is hereby given
        空口:    eat dishes without rice or wine; eat rice or drink wine with nothing to go with it
        口无:    kuchinashi
        空口袋:    kong kou dai
        空口令:    empty password
        真空口:    vacuum port
        口说无凭:    words alone are no proof.; an oral [verbal] promise is rather dubious [not enough].; oral expressions [words] cannot be taken as evidence.; verbal statements are not guarantee.; word of mouth cannot be trusted.; words don't carry conviction
        无凭证式股东:    uncertificated shareholder
        抽真空口:    vacuum orifice
        点火真空口:    spark port
        空口白话:    make empty promises; all talk and no deed; empty promise without substance; empty words; pay (mere) lip service; speak [talk] without acting [taking action]; with mere words of mouth
        空口难凭:    an oral promise is not enough
        空口说白话:    all talk and no cider
        空口说大话:    brag; talk big
        闭口无言:    remain silent; be left speechless; be tongue-tied; close one's lips and say not a word; keep one's mouth shut; keep silent
        井口无返:    loss of return
        窘口无言:    distressed mouth said nothing
        口无遮拦:    fever to tell
        使闭口无言:    pose
        使哑口无言:    silence
        哑口无言:    be rendered speechless; be dumbfounded; be left without an argument; be put down; be reduced to silence; be struck dumb; be stumped; (he) closed (his) mouth and had nothing to say.; have nothing to say for oneself; inarticulate; keep mute as a maggot; keep silent; put to silence; shut up when defeated in an argument; strike dumb; there is nothing more one can say.; tongue-tied 他论辩有力, 把对方说得哑口无言。 his forceful arguments silenced his opponent
        有口无心:    promise with no intention of doing; be sharp-tongued but not malicious; partial to speaking of others but with no bad intention; speak good words but be unsympathetic; say what one does not mean; say sharp things but cherish no malice
        空口的应酬话:    lip service
        港口无线电台:    port radio station
        空宽:    space width
        空宽比:    space width ratio


        空口无凭的法语:les paroles ne peuvent pas servir de preuve.un engagement verbal n'est pas valable.
        空口无凭的日语:〈成〉口で言っただけでは証拠にならない.▼主として契約などに用いる. 空口无凭,立字为证 zhèng /口頭の約束だけでは証拠にならないから,一札入れる次第である.
        空口无凭的韩语:【성어】 구두 약속만 하고 증거가 없다. 근거 없는 허튼소리.
        空口无凭的俄语:pinyin:kōngkǒuwúpìng голословный, бездоказательный; не заслуживающий доверия
        空口无凭什么意思:kōng kǒu wú píng 【解释】单凭嘴说而没有什么作为凭据。只要用实物来证明。 【示例】你说的这些事,~,我无法相信。 【拼音码】kkwp 【用法】复句式;作谓语、宾语、补语;形容无凭无据的空口白话 【英文】verbal statement cannot be depended


  1. "空口的应酬话"英文
  2. "空口令"英文
  3. "空口难凭"英文
  4. "空口说白话"英文
  5. "空口说大话"英文
  6. "空口无凭立字为证"英文
  7. "空宽"英文
  8. "空宽比"英文
  9. "空匡"英文
  10. "空矿车"英文


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