

[ yǒukǒuwúxīn ] 发音:   "有口无心"的汉语解释   用"有口无心"造句
  • promise with no intention of doing; be sharp-tongued but not malicious; partial to speaking of others but with no bad intention; speak good words but be unsympathetic; say what one does not mean; say sharp things but cherish no malice
  • 随口之言,有口无心:    say whatever enters one's head
  • 随口之言有口无心:    say whatever enters one's head
  • 口无:    kuchinashi
  • 无心:    1.(没有心思) not be in the mood for 我无心开玩笑。 i'm not in the mood for joking. 她累极了, 无心跳舞。 she was very tired, and in no mood for dancing.2.(不是故意) not intentionally; unwittingly; inadvertently; unintentionally 我无心引起任何不愉快。 i don't mean there to be any unpleasantness. 我是无心说的。 i didn't say it intentionally
  • 有口才:    gift of gab


  1. The stags line up against the wall, chat cursorily with one another .
  2. Verona escaped, immediately after dinner, with no discussion save an automatic "why don't you ever stay home?" from babbitt .
  3. She impulsively said the things that she didn ’ t mean
  4. Verona escaped , immediately after dinner , with no discussion save an automatic " why don ' t you ever stay home ? " from babbitt
    刚吃完晚饭,维隆娜就溜了,没有引起议论,只有巴比特有口无心地说了一句“你干吗不喜欢呆在家里? ”
  5. These reflections oppress d me for the second or third day of my distemper , and in the violence , as well of the feaver , as of the dreadful reproaches of my conscience , extorted some words from me , like praying to god , tho i cannot say they were either a prayer attended with desires or with hopes ; it was rather the voice of meer fright and distress ; my thoughts were confus d , the convictions great upon my mind , and the horror of dying in such a miserable condition rais d vapours into my head with the meer apprehensions ; and in these hurries of my soul , i know not what my tongue might express : but it was rather exclamation , such as , lord
    然而,这种祈祷,有口无心,既无良好的愿望,也不抱任何希望,只是恐惧和痛苦的呼喊而已。这时,我思想极度混乱,深感自己罪孽深重,而一想到自己将在如此悲惨的境况下死去,更是恐怖万分。我心灵惶恐不安,不知道自己嘴里说了些什么话,只是不断地呼喊着这样的话: "上帝啊,我多可怜啊!


        随口之言,有口无心:    say whatever enters one's head
        随口之言有口无心:    say whatever enters one's head
        口无:    kuchinashi
        无心:    1.(没有心思) not be in the mood for 我无心开玩笑。 i'm not in the mood for joking. 她累极了, 无心跳舞。 she was very tired, and in no mood for dancing.2.(不是故意) not intentionally; unwittingly; inadvertently; unintentionally 我无心引起任何不愉快。 i don't mean there to be any unpleasantness. 我是无心说的。 i didn't say it intentionally
        有口才:    gift of gab
        有口齿:    commitment
        有口的:    mouthed
        固有口腔:    cavitas oris propria; cavum oris proprium; mouth cavity proper; oral proper cavity; proper cavity of mouth; proper oral cavity
        我有口臭:    i have bad breath
        有口才的:    speaking in a way that charms or persuades people
        有口疮的:    aphthous
        有口皆碑:    enjoy great popularity among the people; accounts of one's heroic deeds circulated among the people; be praised by the people; be universally acclaimed; everyone sings about sb.'s good administration.; one's name being spoken by everyone; proverbial; win universal praise
        有口难分:    find it hard [difficult] to vindicate oneself; be hard to explain
        有口难言:    unable to speak in self-defense [self-justification] under certain circumstances; cannot bring oneself to mention sth.; dare not to say; find it hard or embarrassing to bring up a matter; hard to bring up a matter
        半无心:    hemiacardius
        本无心:    yx-anjing
        我无心:    i don't have the heart
        无心的:    acardiac; centerless; centreless; coreless; involantary; noncentral; unintentional
        无心地:    involuntarily/undesignedly; undesignedly
        无心天:    xxhhq
        无心跳:    nhbd
        无心云:    rowj
        无心脏:    acardia
        闭口无言:    remain silent; be left speechless; be tongue-tied; close one's lips and say not a word; keep one's mouth shut; keep silent
        有扣的:    buckled
        有苦难说:    find it hard to tell about one's suffering [difficulty]


        有口无心的日语:〈成〉口は悪いが悪意はない.▼“有嘴 zuǐ 无心”ともいう. 他是有口无心,你别见怪 jiànguài /彼は口は悪いが悪意はないからとがめるな.
        有口无心的韩语:【성어】 입은 거칠지만 악의는 없다. 他向来是有口无心, 你不要介意; 그는 본디부터 입은 거칠지만 악의는 없으니까, 개의치 마라 =[有嘴无心] →[心直口快]
        有口无心的俄语:pinyin:yǒukǒuwúxīn высказать (выдать) без злого умысла; проговориться (нечаянно)
        有口无心什么意思:yǒu kǒu wú xīn 【解释】嘴上说了,心里可没那样想。指不是有心说的。 【出处】清·张南庄《何典·序》:“总属有口无心,安用设身处地。” 【示例】他是个~的人,说过就忘了。 【拼音码】ykwx 【灯谜面】白瓦壶好看;号筒里塞木头;属瓶子的;小和尚念经石人像;空酒瓶子 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;带讽刺意味 【英文】bark worse than one's bite <...


  1. "有口疮的"英文
  2. "有口的"英文
  3. "有口皆碑"英文
  4. "有口难分"英文
  5. "有口难言"英文
  6. "有扣的"英文
  7. "有苦难说"英文
  8. "有苦难言"英文
  9. "有苦同当,有福共享"英文
  10. "有苦味的黄汕"英文


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