

[ yǒukǒunánfēn ] 发音:   "有口难分"的汉语解释   用"有口难分"造句
  • find it hard [difficult] to vindicate oneself; be hard to explain
  • 有口难言:    unable to speak in self-defense [self-justification] under certain circumstances; cannot bring oneself to mention sth.; dare not to say; find it hard or embarrassing to bring up a matter; hard to bring up a matter
  • 难分:    x-345
  • 口难开:    still breathing
  • 有口才:    gift of gab
  • 有口齿:    commitment


        有口难言:    unable to speak in self-defense [self-justification] under certain circumstances; cannot bring oneself to mention sth.; dare not to say; find it hard or embarrassing to bring up a matter; hard to bring up a matter
        难分:    x-345
        口难开:    still breathing
        有口才:    gift of gab
        有口齿:    commitment
        有口的:    mouthed
        爱你口难开:    all that glitters.
        空口难凭:    an oral promise is not enough
        为口难调:    it is hard to please all
        羞口难开:    be too embarrassed [shy] to speak (out); be too embarrassed to say anything to sb.; too embarrassing to say it
        众口难调:    tastes differ [vary].; it is difficult to cater for [to] all tastes.; it's difficult to suit the taste of all the diners where there are so many of them.; it's difficult to obtain unanimity from a crowd.; no dish suits all tastes
        固有口腔:    cavitas oris propria; cavum oris proprium; mouth cavity proper; oral proper cavity; proper cavity of mouth; proper oral cavity
        我有口臭:    i have bad breath
        有口才的:    speaking in a way that charms or persuades people
        有口疮的:    aphthous
        有口皆碑:    enjoy great popularity among the people; accounts of one's heroic deeds circulated among the people; be praised by the people; be universally acclaimed; everyone sings about sb.'s good administration.; one's name being spoken by everyone; proverbial; win universal praise
        有口无心:    promise with no intention of doing; be sharp-tongued but not malicious; partial to speaking of others but with no bad intention; speak good words but be unsympathetic; say what one does not mean; say sharp things but cherish no malice
        高下难分:    very hard to tell which is better
        难分辨的:    indistinguishable
        难分伯仲:    too close to call
        难分高低:    hard to tell which is better
        难分骨肉情:    blood is thicker than water
        难分解精矿:    hard to open concentrate; hard-to-open concentrate
        难分解物质:    recalcitrant substance
        有扣的:    buckled
        有苦难说:    find it hard to tell about one's suffering [difficulty]


        有口难分的法语:avoir du mal à se justifier
        有口难分的日语:〈成〉弁解するのが難しい.▼“有口难辩 biàn ”ともいう.
        有口难分的韩语:【성어】 입이 있어도 변명하기가 매우 어렵다. 변명할 길이 없다. =[有口难辩]
        有口难分的俄语:pinyin:yǒukǒunánfēn трудно распознаваемый, неразличимый; поди-ка, докажи!
        有口难分什么意思:yǒu kǒu nán fēn 【解释】形容难分辩清楚。 【出处】元·萧德祥《杀狗劝夫》第一折:“直着我有口难分,进推无门。” 【拼音码】yknf 【用法】连动式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义


  1. "有口才的人善于用词"英文
  2. "有口齿"英文
  3. "有口疮的"英文
  4. "有口的"英文
  5. "有口皆碑"英文
  6. "有口难言"英文
  7. "有口无心"英文
  8. "有扣的"英文
  9. "有苦难说"英文
  10. "有苦难言"英文


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