羞: shy; bashful口: mouth难: catastrophe; calamity; disas ...开: open; turn on; switch on; be ...口难开: still breathing爱你口难开: all that glitters.爱你在心口难开: as good as it gets; love you more than i can say; more than i can say dvd; more thanl can say爱在心里口难开: as good as it gets爱在心头口难开: as good as it gets张蔷《爱你在心口难开》: more than i can say爱你在心口难开(留住有情人): more than i can say爱你在心口难开劳赛尔: morethanicansay爱在心里口难开,又名:尽善尽美: as goods as it gets善门难开: it is difficult to start charity as it can not be stopped halfway空口难凭: an oral promise is not enough为口难调: it is hard to please all有口难分: find it hard [difficult] to vindicate oneself; be hard to explain有口难言: unable to speak in self-defense [self-justification] under certain circumstances; cannot bring oneself to mention sth.; dare not to say; find it hard or embarrassing to bring up a matter; hard to bring up a matter众口难调: tastes differ [vary].; it is difficult to cater for [to] all tastes.; it's difficult to suit the taste of all the diners where there are so many of them.; it's difficult to obtain unanimity from a crowd.; no dish suits all tastes爱你在心眼难开: something's gotta give; untitled nancy meyers project羊羔虽美众口难调: though lamb may be good it is difficult to cook it to suit everyone's taste爱是妥协,爱你在心眼难开: something's gotta give难开采的油井帆布安全带: bear cat羞愧: ashamed; abashed 羞愧地低着头 hang one's head (for shame); 替某人感到羞愧 feel ashamed for sb.; 他因忘了妻子的生日而感到羞愧。 he was abashed at forgetting his wife's birthday. 承认这事我真有些羞愧。 i am half ashamed to confess it羞洁: blush purity羞愧,害臊: ashamed of; ashamedof