

[ chǒngjī ] 发音:   "宠姬"的汉语解释   用"宠姬"造句
  • succubus mistress infernal_succubus
  • :    dote on; bestow favour on; p ...
  • :    a complimentary term for wom ...
  • 宠坏了的孩子:    a spoilt child
  • 宠辱不惊:    (受宠受辱都无动于衷) remain indifferent whether granted favours or subjected to humiliation -- unmoved either by gain or loss; not moved by official honour or disgrace; undisturbed either by favour or disgrace
  • 宠坏的小羊将成为脾气坏的大羊:    a poor man who takes a rich wife has a ruler not a wife


  1. Sun wu organized the young ladies into two teams and appointed two of the king ' s favorite concubines team leaders
  2. The king who was watching the training all the time was shocked and immediately sent someone to plead for mercy for his two concubines


        :    dote on; bestow favour on; p ...
        :    a complimentary term for wom ...
        宠坏了的孩子:    a spoilt child
        宠辱不惊:    (受宠受辱都无动于衷) remain indifferent whether granted favours or subjected to humiliation -- unmoved either by gain or loss; not moved by official honour or disgrace; undisturbed either by favour or disgrace
        宠坏的小羊将成为脾气坏的大羊:    a poor man who takes a rich wife has a ruler not a wife
        宠辱皆忘:    disregard all favours or humiliations
        宠坏的孩子:    a spoiled child
        宠辱若惊:    (受宠受辱都感到惊恐) be terrified whether granted favours or subjected to humiliation
        宠坏;溺爱:    spoil/indulge
        宠擅专房:    be unusually favoured by a husband -- said of a concubine
        宠坏:    spoil 宠坏的孩子 a spoiled child


        宠姬的韩语:[명사]【문어】 총희. 굄을 받는 계집.
        宠姬的俄语:pinyin:chǒngjī любимая наложница (любовница); фаворитка, второстепенная жена
        宠姬什么意思:受宠爱的姬妾。    ▶ 《史记‧孙子吴起列传》: “出宫中美女, 得百八十人。    ▶ 孙子 分为二队, 以王之宠姬二人各为队长, 皆令持戟。”    ▶ 汉 刘向 《续列女传‧赵飞燕姊娣》: “ 赵飞燕 姊娣者, 成阳侯 赵临 之女, 孝成皇帝 之宠姬也。”    ▶ 郭沫若 《苏联纪行‧七...


  1. "宠坏"英文
  2. "宠坏;溺爱"英文
  3. "宠坏的孩子"英文
  4. "宠坏的小羊将成为脾气坏的大羊"英文
  5. "宠坏了的孩子"英文
  6. "宠辱不惊"英文
  7. "宠辱皆忘"英文
  8. "宠辱若惊"英文
  9. "宠擅专房"英文


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