He was the spoilt child of that household 他是这一家宠坏了的孩子。
Cecil burns was the spoilt child of that household 塞西尔?伯恩斯是那个家庭中被宠坏了的孩子。
She pampers her own spoiled children and brings jane up as little better than a servant 她对她那些被宠坏了的孩子娇生惯养,但对简则有如对待佣仆。
Some people say that peter is cute and mischievous but in words of one syllable , but in words of one syllable , he ' s just a brat 有人说彼得可受而顽皮,但坦白地说,他只不过是一个宠坏了的孩子。
" she is under the big chestnut - tree , " replied the spoiled brat , as he gave , in spite of his mother s commands , live flies to the parrot , which seemed keenly to relish such fare “她在那棵大栗子树底下哪。 ”那个被宠坏了的孩子一边回答,一边不顾他母亲的吆喝,仍拿苍蝇去喂鹦鹉,而鹦鹉对于这种游戏看来也很感兴趣。
宠坏: spoil了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...孩子: child宠坏的孩子: a spoiled child被宠坏的孩子: the spoiled child坏了的: kaput/kaputt; kaputt割坏了的, 切坏了的: damaged by cuts饿坏了的: grubstruck割坏了的: damaged by cuts磨坏了的: worn-out弄坏了的: it's broken破坏了的: ruinate烧坏了的阀: burned valve损坏了的: damaged吓坏了的: scared; thunder-struck用坏了的: disabled; worn-out蛀坏了的: moth eaten破碎的,破坏了的: broken烧坏了的型砂: used sand抱养的孩子: adopted child hang together吵闹的孩子: the noisy city沉睡的孩子: enfant endormi, l'; sleeping child吃奶的孩子: a sucking child聪明的孩子: a clever boy