- Ⅰ动词
(宠爱; 偏爱) dote on; bestow favour on; pamper; confer favours 短语和例子
得宠 find favour with sb.; be in sb.'s good graces; 失宠 fall out of favour; 别把孩子宠坏了。 don't spoil the child.Ⅱ名词
(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子
宠羲 chong xi
- 诸惠(宠)中保: mediatrix of all graces
- 宠爱: make a pet of sb.; favour; love ardently; dote on 受某人宠爱 win sb.'s favour; 使 ... 得到某人的宠爱 bring into sb.'s favour; 秋月向来受到诗人和热爱大自然的人们的宠爱。 the autumn moon has always been a favourite with poets and lovers of nature
- 崇钰: new prismatic
- 宠爱的: favourite; fond
- 崇祯皇帝: chongzhen emperor