So , we must study parking behavior profoundly 由此可见,有必要对停车行为进行深入地探讨。
This paper firstly summarizes the studies about parking behavior at home and abroad , analyzes the basic elements influencing parking bahavior , and introduces the method and the conclusions of a parking behavior survery conducted at xidan area 本文首先总结了国内外对停车行为的相关研究,其次分析了影响停车行为的相关因素,再次介绍了在西单地区进行的停车行为调查的方法和统计结论。
At present , it ' s too early to implement traffic damand management due to our countries status , but building abundant parking facilities needs lots of money and ca n ' t slove the problem quickly , while improve the efficiency of parking facilities is a quick and effective method , whose essence is to adjust travelers " parking behavior by some technologies ( such as parking guidence and information system , pgi ) and parking policies ( such as adjust parking fee ) 但建设充足的停车设施需要政府和社会投入大量的资金,是一个缓慢渐进的过程。而改善现有设施的利用效率则是一种快速有效的方法,可以使停车难的状况得到缓解。而它的本质是利用停车诱导系统等新技术对人们的停车行为进行调解的过程。
Moreover , author put forward his own understanding from parking lot programming , parking lot design and technique measure . the thesis is totally divided into 5 : chapter 1 this thesis puts forward the purpose , the meaning , the theories and frame of research first ; chapter 2 tally up the basic theories of parking facilities design in the city center area , setting out from the mental need of person , elaborating parking characteristic in the city center area , the behavior analysis of parking and the classification of parking facilities , put forward the parking facilities of being applicable to the city center area ; chapter 3 carry on analysis to parking need and scale in the city center area , tally up its characteristic and in center area the method of parking facilities chooses address which combines an abroad research theories , in the meantime it elaborated respectively types of the parking facilities ; chapter 4 carry on analysis the parking transportation of the city center area from the tiny view angle , and elaborate the influence of the city dynamic transportation in the meantime 全文共分五章:第一章首先提出本文研究的目的、意义及研究的理论、框架;第二章对于城市中心区停车库设计的基本理论进行归纳,从城市中心区人的心理需求出发,分别阐述了城市中心区停车特征,停车行为分析以及停车设施的分类,提出了适用于城市中心区的停车设施;第三章对城市中心区停车需求和规模进行分析,总结其特征,结合国外研究理论归纳总结了中心区停车设施的规划选址和总平面设计,同时对不同类型的停车设施分别作了相应的阐述;第四章从微观角度对城市中心区停车场交通流线进行分析,同时对城市动态交通的影响作了相应的阐述;第五章是本文的重点,从停车设施内的技术措施方面,对城市中心区常见的地下坡道式和立体机械式两种类型的停车设施分别进行阐述,以期在具体实践过程中引起设计的重视,创造安全、合理、高效、经济的停车环境。