Prepare to stop if signalled to do so 准备在看到停车信号时停车
Ci rifletta . by the stern stone hand of grattan , bidding halt , an inchicore tram unloaded straggling highland soldiers of a band 从印契科驰来的一辆电车,服从了格拉顿用严厉的石手74发出的停车信号。
Image : 16b . jpg green man crossings are pedestrian crossings with traffic lights to signal drivers to stop , and pedestrian lights to signal pedestrians when to cross . you will find green man crossings either on their own or as part of traffic lights controlling junctions Image : 16b . jpg绿色人像过路处设有交通灯和行人过路灯:交通灯向驾驶人发出停车信号,而行人过路灯则向行人发出横过马路的信号。