汽车: automobile; motor vehicle; c ...行: go汽车行车道: vehicular traffic lane汽车行程: vehicle trip汽车行李费: motor vehicle running costs汽车行李箱: car trunk汽车行列: motorcade汽车行使中: when the bus is moving do not speak to the driver汽车行驶费: car travel fee汽车行业: auto industry; automotive; motor-dom志和汽车行: chi wo motors co中兴汽车行: chung hing motors汽车行动电话: cellular mobile telephone汽车行驶循环: driving cycle汽车行业车型: automotive industry model汽车行业模型: automotive industry model出租汽车停车行列: taxi-rank汽车行动无线电: cellular mobile radio汽车行使稳定系统: asms汽车行驶记录仪: vehicle traveling data recorder汽车行驶平顺性: vehicle running smoothness车行: 1.a place where carts may be bought or hired2.garage3.a car dealer's汽车行动无线电话交换机: cellular mobile radio switch汽车行使中,严禁与司机交谈: when the bus is moving, do not speak to the driver汽车行驶阻力特性曲线: running resistance curve