This time he's slopped fourteen inches over the side line . 这次他越出停车线十四英寸。
If the parking brake switch cord is too thin , connect the parking cord to the parking brake switch cord directly without using the tap 如果刹车开关导线太细,则不要使用分接头,直接把停车线连到刹车开关导线。
Be sure to connect the parking cord ( light green ) to the parking brake switch cord . the mounting position of the parking brake switch cord depends on your car 务必把停车线(浅绿色)连到刹车开关导线上,刹车开关导线的固定位置和您的汽车有关。
Based on discussing the influencial elements to capacity and delays of the controlled intersection junction , this paper analyzes how the flow of traffic to run at the controlled intersection junction , especially at stop line , at the point of conflict , and at the point of merging intersection . then using the way of l . c . edie , the stimulated model of the flow of traffic running is built up , and stimulated program is developed 本文在讨论影响信号交叉口通行能力和行车延误的因素的基础上,分析了车流在信号交叉口特别是停车线处、交叉冲突场、汇流交织场的运行情况,运用了伊迪理论建立了车流运行仿真模型,开发了仿真软件,在实际数据标定模型的基础上,并用该软件进行仿真试验。