

发音:   用"停车需求时空分布"造句
  • time spatial of parking demand
  • 停车:    stop; pull up
  • 需求:    needs; need; demand; require ...
  • 时空:    space-time; space-time conti ...
  • 分布:    distribute; spread; scatter; ...
  • 停车需求:    parking demand


  1. Time spatial of parking demand


        停车:    stop; pull up
        需求:    needs; need; demand; require ...
        时空:    space-time; space-time conti ...
        分布:    distribute; spread; scatter; ...
        停车需求:    parking demand
        停车需求量:    parking demand
        臭氧的时空分布:    time- ace distribution (of ozone); time- acedistribution(ofozone); time-space distribution
        时空分裂者:    timesplitters
        无需求时间:    non-required time
        需求时间:    required time
        需求时间栏:    demand time fence
        需求时界:    demand time fence dtf; dtf demand time fence
        需求时栅:    demand time fence
        分时空分交换:    time shared space division switch
        确认计划需求时界:    firm planned time fence
        空分:    sd space division; space division
        停车空间需求指针:    parking space requirement index
        分布需求规划:    drdistribution requirements planning
        时空:    space-time:[相对] space-time continuum◇时空点 event; 时空度量 space-time metric; 时空反演 space-time inversion; space-time reflection; space-time reversal; 时空平移space-time translation; 时空推测法 reckoning; 时空效应 tau-effect
        停车:    1.(车辆停留或停止行驶) stop; pull up 下一站停车十分钟。 at the next station we'll have a ten-minute stop.2.(停放车辆) park 此处不准停车! no parking!3.(机器停止转动) stall; stop working; engine cutout; motor stoppage; power-off; 停车保养 shut-down maintenance; 停车标志 parking sign; 停车场 parking lot; ground parking; parking; car park; parking area; 停车规则 parking ordinance; (短时) 停车收费计 waiting meter; 停车位置 on-position; 停车信号灯 dimmer
        空分器:    zkf-1
        需求:    needs; need; demand; requirement 市场需求 market demand; 消费需求 consumer demand; 资金需求 demand for fund; 满足人民对食品的需求 meet [satisfy] the food needs of the poeple; 该公司对人才的需求 the talent needs of the company; 我的需求很少。 my needs are few. 大规模的广告宣传能引起对某一商品的反常需求。 extensive advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article
        被请求时:    on request
        当不要求时:    impact test when not required
        请求时多路:    demand multiplexing


  1. "停车信号杆"英文
  2. "停车行为"英文
  3. "停车性能"英文
  4. "停车需求"英文
  5. "停车需求量"英文
  6. "停车选择行为"英文
  7. "停车延时;停车持续时间"英文
  8. "停车延时回路"英文
  9. "停车延续时间"英文
  10. "停车沿上升轨道飞行"英文


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