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首尾狼狈 difficult either to proceed ...
首尾相应 head and tail corresponding ...
首尾相顾 guard both ends
首屈一指 come first on the list
首属群体 primary group
首席 chiefⅣ
首席主持人 father
首席代表 chief delegate
首席仲裁员 chief arbitrator
首席官员 senior member of the diploma...
首席小提琴手 concert master
首席检察官 chief inspector
首席法官 chief judge
首席监事 chief supervisor
首席秘书 principal secretary
首席顾问 chief adviser
首府 capital
首座 the head of the table
首当其冲 be the first to bear the bru...
首恶 chief criminal
首恶必办 must punish the chief culpri...
首恶者 villain
首战不利 lose the first battle
首战告捷 win in the very first battle...
首批 the first batch
首敌 archenemy
首映 release
首次 for the first time
首次上映的影片 first run film
首次公开展出 roll-out
首次公映 premiere show
首次公演 first performance
首次在空中航行的飞行器是气球 The first vehicles to naviga...
首次演出 first performance
首次窥见到东方人的生活 get the first glimpse of Ori...
首次答辨 primary allegation
首次航行 maiden voyage
首犯 arch-criminal
首相 prime minister
首相府 the residence of prime minis...
首相是政界的首要人物 The premier occupies the for...
首级 chopped-off head
首肯 nod assent
首肯同意 nod assent and agree with
首脑 head
首脑人物 leading personages
首脑会议 conference of heads of state...
首航 maiden voyage or flight
首要 of the first importance
首要任务 the most important task
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