坐首席 be seated at the head of the table; be in the seat of honour2.(职位最高的) chief; 首席代表 chief representative; 首席法官 chief judge; chief justiciar; chief justice; 首席顾问 chief adviser; 首席官员 senior member of the diplomatic staff; 首席检察官 chief inspector; chief procurator; 首席监事 chief supervisor; 首席秘书 principal secretary; 首席小提琴手 concert master; 首席主持人 father; 首席仲裁员 chief arbitrator
Indeed, it was an axiom with her that the cook can do no wrong . 首席厨司做事出不了差错,这对她来说,简直是天经地义。
It was the foreman of the jury, foster lund, a dealer in cement, lime and stone . 这是首席陪审员福斯特伦特,一个做水泥、石灰和石块生意的人。
He also very frequently filled the post of head godfather in baptisms of the subtly-jovial kind . 他也经常在那种微妙快活的洗礼中充当首席教父。
The female spectators, more compassionate, were loud in exclamation against that part of the judge's speech . 女性的观众更富感情,大声反对首席法官的某些说法。H
Chief justice charles evans hughes characterized these arrests as one of "the worst practices of tyranny" . 最高法院首席法官查理埃文斯休斯指出:这种逮捕是‘最典型的苛政’。
When these preliminary forms had been gone through, the judge required euphemia deans to attend to the verdict to be read . 当这例行仪式进行完毕,首席法官就要求尤菲米姬迪恩斯谛听宣读裁决。
There was some little buzz of conversation going on among the people while the leading counsel for the prosecution made his very effective speech . 当提起控诉的首席律师发表他那精辟的议论的时候,不时听得人群中有窃窃私语的声音。
Another was chief justice metcalf bowler of rhode island who secretly passed on information to the british commander, sir henry clinton . 另外一个是罗德岛的首席法官麦卡夫包勒尔,这人曾把情报秘密地传递给英军司令亨利克林顿爵士。