- head and tail [beginning and end] corresponding with each other
- 首尾相接,首尾相对 end or mend
- 首尾相顾 guard both ends (at the same time); end to end; look after both ends; the beginning and end correspond (with each other)
- 首尾相接 last letter
- 首尾相连 end to end
- 首尾相连的 nose-to-tail
- 首尾相通铺位 full-bay shop
- 首尾 1.(起头部分和末尾部分) the head and the tail; the beginning and the end2.(始终) from beginning to end
- 相应 [方言] small advantages; petty gains
- 尾部;尾相 end portion
- 头尾相接 end to end; head to tail
- 头尾相撞 rear-endcollision
- 衔尾相随 walk in indian file; follow one after another; proceed like a school of fishes one after another; walk one after the other
- 首尾缆 bow and stern wires
- 首尾木 shubiki
- 首尾线 center line; fore and aft line; fore-and aft line; fore-and-aft line; nose-tail line
- 首尾向 fore and aft; fore-and aft
- 首尾音 onset and rime
- 首尾站 originating and destination stations
- 不相应 visamyuktatva
- 符合,相应 correspond
- 和…相应 relative to
- 使相应 homologize
- 受相应 vedana samyutta
- 相应部 samyutta nikaya
- 首尾向的 fore-and-aft
- 首尾斜底港口驳 swimbarge
- 首尾相应的日语:〈成〉首尾相応ずる.文章が前後照応する.▼もとは,戦争をするときに先頭部隊としんがり部隊が互いに呼応して敵に当たることをさした.
- 首尾相应什么意思:shǒu wěi xiāng yìng 【解释】头和尾相互接应。指作战相互接应。也形容诗文结构严谨。 【出处】《孙子·九地》:“故善用兵者,譬如率然;率然者,常山之蛇也。击其首则尾至,击其尾则首至,击其中则首尾俱至。” 【示例】可将队伍摆成长蛇之势,~,循环无端:如此则不愁地理生疏。(明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第八十四回) 【拼音码】swxy 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;形容诗文结构严谨