恨之入骨 hate someone to the core |
恨事 a matter for regret |
恨人 a misanthrope |
恨入骨髓 hate to the marrow |
恨动 hate |
恨天怨地 utter maledictions against t... |
恨如头醋 as bitter as the sourest vin... |
恨得咬牙切齿 grind one's teeth with hatre... |
恨得牙痒 gnash one's teeth with hatre... |
恨得直咬牙 gnash one's teeth in hatred ... |
恨得要命 burning with inveterate hatr... |
恨晚 regret that sth. happened to... |
恨海 deep hatred |
恨海无边 a sea of eternal regrets |
恨海难填 The sea of hatred is hard to... |
恨透了 hate to the utmost degree |
恨铁不成钢 be exasperated at sb.'s fail... |
恩 kindness |
恩义 spiritual debt |
恩人 benefactor |
恩人自居 play the benefactor |
恩仇 debt of gratitude and of rev... |
恩仇未报 have not settled old account... |
恩信相孚 bound by natural ties of kin... |
恩典 favour |