- 恣意 unscrupulous; reckless; unbr ...
- 歪曲 distort; misrepresent; twist
- 有意歪曲 deliberately distort
- 任意歪曲历史 wilful distortion of history
- 肆意歪曲事实 wantonly distort the facts
- 恶意歪曲地报道这条新闻 report the news mala fide
- 恣意 unscrupulous; reckless; unbridled; wilful 恣意践踏别国领土 wilfully trample on the territory of other countries; 恣意掠夺别国的资源 indulge in unbridled plunder of the resources of other countries
- 歪曲 distort; misrepresent; twist 歪曲别人的话 twist people's words; 歪曲事实 distort the facts; 歪曲真相 perversion of truth; 歪曲事实的人 twister; 歪曲作者原意 misrepresent the author's meaning; 歪曲原文 pervert the text; 别歪曲我说的话。 stop distorting what i've said
- 恣意的 arbitrary; wayward
- 恣意地 waywardly
- 扭曲,歪曲 twist
- 扭歪,歪曲 contort
- 欺骗, 歪曲 juggle with
- 歪曲, 曲解 give a false colouring to
- 歪曲,弄歪 distort
- 歪曲波 distortional wave
- 歪曲的 awry; ill-natured; perverted
- 歪曲度 degree of warping
- 歪曲拱 askew arch
- 歪曲率 skew
- 任性恣意 indulge in emotions
- 恣意,放荡的 profligate
- 恣意地, 放肆地 with abandon
- 恣意孤行 act wilfully; do as one wishes without considering others; obstinate to have one's own way
- 恣意践踏 arrogantly to trample on sb