- deep hatred
恨海难填 the sea of hatred [regrets] is hard to fill up. 恨海无边 a sea of eternal regrets
- 恨海芳魂 woman in grief
- 恨海难填 deep hatred
- 恨海情花 of love and hate
- 恨海情天 unrewarding love
- 恨海情鸳 regretful lovers
- 恨海无边 a sea of eternal regrets
- 情天恨海 affection as high as the heaven and hatred as deep as the sea; the deep love or regret between men and women
- 恨歌 (影) everlasting regret
- 恨歌 a hate-song
- 恨俄国者 russophobe
- 恨多一点 aibihenduoyidian
- 恨动 hate
- Zan hairpin a zoned waves surging , the bitter suffering from hate
- 恨海的日语:ふかいうらみ 深 い恨 み
- 恨海的韩语:[명사]【비유】 (바다처럼) 깊은[끝없는] 원한.
- 恨海的俄语:pinyin:hènhǎi глубокая вражда, непримиримая (смертельная) ненависть
- 恨海什么意思:比喻无穷无尽的怨恨。 ▶ 清 龚自珍 《己亥杂诗》之二六八: “万一天填恨海平, 羽琌 安稳贮 云英 。” ▶ 午星 《一个红军女游击战士》: “多少人妻离子散!多少人流离失所!这是敌人一手造成的人间恨海。”