- 恨海 deep hatred
- 无边 brimless; rimless; boundless
- 苦海无边 the endless sea of tribulations; bitterness without end; boundless sea of hardship; the bitter sea of life has no bounds
- 苦海无边,回头是岸 Boundless is the sea of bitterness,yet a man who will repent can reach the shore nearby -- escape from the human world of woes and find salvation.deliver oneself from the endless sea of tribulations by repentingIn repentance,there is salvation.Repentance is salvation.It is never too late to mend.The sea of bitterness has no bounds,repent and the shore is at hand.
- 苦海无边回头是岸 in repentance there is salvation
- 恨海 deep hatred 恨海难填 the sea of hatred [regrets] is hard to fill up. 恨海无边 a sea of eternal regrets
- 海无 tjtjthd
- 书山有路勤为径,学海无边苦作舟 There is no royal road to learning
- 书山有路勤为径学海无边苦作舟 there is no royal road to learning
- 无边 brimless; rimless; boundless 一望无边的沙漠 a vast expanse of desert
- 恨海芳魂 woman in grief
- 恨海难填 deep hatred
- 恨海情花 of love and hate
- 恨海情天 unrewarding love
- 恨海情鸳 regretful lovers
- 情天恨海 affection as high as the heaven and hatred as deep as the sea; the deep love or regret between men and women
- 爱无边 love's tongue is in the eyes
- 无边处 vijnananantyayatana
- 无边的 brimlessrimlessunbordered; endless; immeasurable; immense; u ounded; unbounded; unlimited
- 无边缝 seamless
- 无边距 borderless
- 无边廖 manifold without boundary
- 无边帽 barret; bonnet; cap; zucchetto
- 夜无边 opening night
- 沧海无情 the cruel sea