- 鬼脸 funny face; wry face; grimac ...
- 水珠 spray; drop of water; drople ...
- 鬼脸 1.(故意做出来的滑稽面部表情) funny face; wry face; grimace 做鬼脸 make a wry face; make faces; make grimaces; 那男孩扮着鬼脸偷看了他父亲一眼。 the boy stole a look at his father with grimace.2.(用厚纸做成的假面具) mask used as a toy; 鬼脸植物 caricature plant
- 水珠 spray; drop of water; droplet
- 扮鬼脸 facemaking; grimace; make a face; make faces
- 使鬼脸 make a face
- 耍鬼脸 make a face
- 做鬼脸 make faces; pull a face
- “吸水珠” polymer mix
- 滴水珠 cordate pinellia tuber; pinellia cordata n.e.brown
- 卤水珠 brine cell; brine pocket
- 露水珠 dewdrops
- 水滴,水珠 the droof water
- 水珠灯 bead lamp; water pearl lamp/light
- 水珠子 [口语] drop of water
- 小水珠 droplet
- 珠子, 水珠 bead
- 鬼脸植物 caricature plant
- 鬼脸嘟嘟 trakinas
- 做鬼脸,做苦脸 make a face
- 滴滴小水珠 ashleigh brilliant
- 凝上水珠 sweat
- 平水珠茶 pingshuizhutea
- 侵染水珠 infective droplet
- 水珠,物件与花 beads,things&flowers