- 做鬼脸 make faces; pull a face
- 做 make; manufacture; produce
- 做苦脸 make a face / make faces; make faces
- 表示厌恶等做鬼脸 make a face
- 做鬼 play tricks; play an underhand game; get up to mischief
- 鬼脸 1.(故意做出来的滑稽面部表情) funny face; wry face; grimace 做鬼脸 make a wry face; make faces; make grimaces; 那男孩扮着鬼脸偷看了他父亲一眼。 the boy stole a look at his father with grimace.2.(用厚纸做成的假面具) mask used as a toy; 鬼脸植物 caricature plant
- 做苦工 break stones
- 做苦力 do hard manual work
- 做苦相 grimace : make an expression of pain annoyance
- 扮鬼脸 facemaking; grimace; make a face; make faces
- 使鬼脸 make a face
- 耍鬼脸 make a face
- 做鬼也风流 ghosts can't do it
- 做神做鬼 creep (around) like a ghost; do mischief; play tricks
- 被迫做苦工 work like a nigger
- 罚做苦役 sentence to hard labour punishment
- 强迫做苦工 drudge
- 做苦工的人 drudge
- 做苦工者 gibeonite
- 鬼脸水珠 beads
- 鬼脸植物 caricature plant
- 鬼脸嘟嘟 trakinas
- 愁ü苦脸 pull a long face snoot
- 愁眉苦脸 (形容发愁焦急的情态) wear a sad face [look]; a distressed expression; a face of woe; a face shaded with melancholy; an agonized look; a woebegone expression [appearance]; be down in the mouth; have a worried look; knit one's brows in despair; wear [pull; draw; make] a long face with knitted eyebrows; wearing a woebegone appearance; with a sad look 为什么一副愁眉苦脸的样子? why wear such a woebegone look
- 愁眉苦脸的 morose; woebegone