- 鬼脸 funny face; wry face; grimac ...
- 植物 plant; flora; botany; stray; ...
- 鬼脸 1.(故意做出来的滑稽面部表情) funny face; wry face; grimace 做鬼脸 make a wry face; make faces; make grimaces; 那男孩扮着鬼脸偷看了他父亲一眼。 the boy stole a look at his father with grimace.2.(用厚纸做成的假面具) mask used as a toy; 鬼脸植物 caricature plant
- 扮鬼脸 facemaking; grimace; make a face; make faces
- 使鬼脸 make a face
- 耍鬼脸 make a face
- 做鬼脸 make faces; pull a face
- 鬼脸水珠 beads
- 鬼脸嘟嘟 trakinas
- 做鬼脸,做苦脸 make a face
- 鼻子, 脸, 鬼脸, 势利者 snoot
- 对你做个鬼脸 make a face at you
- 表示厌恶等做鬼脸 make a face
- 植物 plant; flora; botany; stray; greenery; phyton; phytum; -phyta; phyt-; phyto-; -phyte : 草本植物 herbaceous plants; 单子叶植物 monocotyledon; 蕨类植物 ferns; pteridophyte; 双子叶植物 dicotyledon; 苔藓植物 mosses; bryophyte; 种子植物 seed-bearing plants◇植物保护 plant protection;植物标本集 sertulum; hortus siccus; 植物标本室 [植物学] herbarium (pl. -ia); 植物病害 plant disease; 植物肥料 vegetable fertilizer; 植物分类学 plant taxonomy;植物化学 phytochemistry; 植物监测 plant monitoring; 植物检疫 plant quarantine; 植物界 plant kingdom; plantage; plantae; 植物净化 plant purification; 植物群落 phytocoenosium; plant community; 植物人 human vegetable; 植物生态学 phytoecology; 植物纤维 string; vegetable fibre; 植物香料 plant perfume material; 植物形态 phytomorph; 植物育种 plant breeding; 植物园 botanical garden; 植物志 [植物学] flora; herbal; 植物组织 plant tissue
- 她做了一个有趣的鬼脸 she made such a funny face that we all burst out laughing
- 植物;植物 flora
- (古游戏)把头从马颈圈伸出互作鬼脸 grin through a horse collar
- 当我终于放松下来时,你对我做着鬼脸 when i was feeling down, you’d make that face you do
- 那男孩扮着鬼脸偷看了他父亲一眼 the boy stole a look at his father with grimace. mask used as a toy
- 【植物;植物学】白芥。 white mustard
- 【植物;植物学】白英。 woody nightshade
- 【植物;植物学】贝母。 snake's-head; snake-head
- 【植物;植物学】碧桃。 flowering peach
- 【植物;植物学】扁豆。 wax bean
- 【植物;植物学】臭桔。 trifoliolate orange