鬼脸 1.(故意做出来的滑稽面部表情) funny face; wry face; grimace 做鬼脸 make a wry face; make faces; make grimaces; 那男孩扮着鬼脸偷看了他父亲一眼。 the boy stole a look at his father with grimace.2.(用厚纸做成的假面具) mask used as a toy; 鬼脸植物 caricature plant
I definately be able to order a full container of stereo ' s , refrigerator ' s / freezer ' s and also split air conditioner ' s 一个鬼佬要这些东西,应该是立体保温冰箱之类的吧,有这样的厂家吗?有和俺联系,俺给你详细的联系方式。