- 预谋 premeditate; deliberate; pla ...
- 不轨 against the law or disciplin ...
- 合谋不轨 plot sedition together
- 图谋不轨 engage in illegal activities; concoct a plot; conspire against the state; hatch a sinister plot; plan a rebellion [insurrection]; plan illegal activities; plot an uprising [rebellion]; scheme [incite] sedition
- 酿造,蕴酿,冲泡,图谋不轨 brew
- 不轨 (越出常规, 不遵守法度或搞叛乱活动) against the law or discipline 图谋不轨 engage in conspiratorial activities; 行为不轨 act [conduct] against the law; 不轨之徒 an illegal person
- 预谋 premeditate; deliberate; plan beforehand; plan in advance 一次有预谋的行动 a deliberate action; 预谋报复 deliberately plan a revenge; 预谋犯罪 calculated crime; 预谋杀人 premeditated murder; murder with malice prepense; 预谋者 premeditator
- 预谋,预筹 forethought
- 预谋的 aforethought; premeditated; prepense
- 预谋者 premeditator
- 预谋罪 malice aforethought
- 人谋不臧 ill advised a surname
- 所谋不遂 fail in an attempt
- 不轨之徒 illegal person
- 船员不轨 barratry
- 谋为不轨 plot a rebellion; hatch a sinister plot; engage in conspiratorial activities
- 心怀不轨 cherish [harbour; have] evil designs
- 行为不轨 act against the law
- 恶意的,预谋的 malicious
- 恶意预谋 aforethought malice
- 犯罪预谋 criminal premeditation
- 非预谋杀人 manslaughter
- 非预谋罪行 unpremeditated crime
- 死亡预谋 death premeditation
- 无预谋的 unpremeditated
- 预谋不轨的法语:dol aggravé préméditation
- 预谋不轨的俄语:заранее обдуманный злой умысел злое предумышление