- 人 human being; man; person; pe ...
- 谋 plan; scheme; strategy; stra ...
- 不 a block of wood
- 臧 good; right; correct
- 伊人不臧 alas my love you do me wrong
- 合谋不轨 plot sedition together
- 所谋不遂 fail in an attempt
- 图谋不轨 engage in illegal activities; concoct a plot; conspire against the state; hatch a sinister plot; plan a rebellion [insurrection]; plan illegal activities; plot an uprising [rebellion]; scheme [incite] sedition
- 预谋不轨 with malice aforethought
- 爱人谋杀 murder, my sweet
- 陌生人谋杀 murder of stranger
- 熟人谋杀 murder of acquaintance
- 通知某人谋事 persuade sb. of
- 为某人谋方便 play into sb‘s hands
- 酿造,蕴酿,冲泡,图谋不轨 brew
- 为大多数人谋利益 work for the interests of the vast majority of people
- 为某人谋方便;有利于某人 play into sb‘s hands
- 尽人皆知张作霖是被日本人谋杀的 it is common knowledge that zhang zoulin was murdered by the japanese
- 人母 hitobu
- 人莫知其苗之硕 better late than never
- 人目系列 super trio series
- 人莫予毒 no one dares harm me -- an arrogant boast.; no one dares to hurt me
- 人奶化牛奶 humanized milk
- 人末梢单核细胞 human peripheral mononuclear cell
- 人难免错误 to err is human
- 人魔崛起 hannibal rising; hr
- 人谋不臧什么意思:人谋不臧 基本解释:人谋:人的谋划;臧:善。事情之所以不成,或失败是由于人没有谋划好,与天时、地利无关。