- 预谋 premeditate; deliberate; pla ...
- 毒害 poison; infect
- 预谋 premeditate; deliberate; plan beforehand; plan in advance 一次有预谋的行动 a deliberate action; 预谋报复 deliberately plan a revenge; 预谋犯罪 calculated crime; 预谋杀人 premeditated murder; murder with malice prepense; 预谋者 premeditator
- 毒害 poison (sb.'s mind); infect 凶暴地毒害 diabolically poison; 预谋毒害 premeditatively poison; 毒害作用 pernicious effects; 肃清封建残余的毒害 clean up the poison of surviving feudalism; 不允许邪念毒害青年。 don't allow evil thoughts to poison young people's minds
- 预谋,预筹 forethought
- 预谋的 aforethought; premeditated; prepense
- 预谋者 premeditator
- 预谋罪 malice aforethought
- 毒害度 degree of intoxication
- 毒害量 toxic dosage
- 毒害性 toxic properties
- 毒害者 poisoner
- 毒药;毒害 poison
- 无毒害 nonhazardous
- 恶意的,预谋的 malicious
- 恶意预谋 aforethought malice
- 犯罪预谋 criminal premeditation
- 非预谋杀人 manslaughter
- 非预谋罪行 unpremeditated crime
- 死亡预谋 death premeditation
- 无预谋的 unpremeditated
- 阴险的预谋 coldly plot
- 预谋, 故意, 蓄意 premeditated intent
- 预谋报复 deliberately plan a revenge
- 预谋不轨 with malice aforethought