- 不轨 against the law or disciplin ...
- 徒 apprentice; pupil
- 不轨 (越出常规, 不遵守法度或搞叛乱活动) against the law or discipline 图谋不轨 engage in conspiratorial activities; 行为不轨 act [conduct] against the law; 不轨之徒 an illegal person
- 之徒 outlaws
- 每条刀轨之后 after each pass
- 船员不轨 barratry
- 合谋不轨 plot sedition together
- 谋为不轨 plot a rebellion; hatch a sinister plot; engage in conspiratorial activities
- 图谋不轨 engage in illegal activities; concoct a plot; conspire against the state; hatch a sinister plot; plan a rebellion [insurrection]; plan illegal activities; plot an uprising [rebellion]; scheme [incite] sedition
- 心怀不轨 cherish [harbour; have] evil designs
- 行为不轨 act against the law
- 预谋不轨 with malice aforethought
- 犯罪,不轨与惩罚 crime, deviance and punishment
- 不逞之徒 desperado; ganster; lawless gang; one who is discontented and makes troubles; reckless fellows; the unruly
- 不法之徒 band of outsiders; down by law; the outlaw
- 不法之徒迈 outlaw josey wales
- 不肖之徒 worthless fellow
- 不义之徒 signs &wonders
- 残暴之徒 simon legree
- 刁滑之徒 an unscrupulous rogue; cunning and shrewd rascals 他是一个刁滑之徒, 没有人相信他。 he is an unscrupulous rogue. no one believes him
- 恶棍之徒 bandidos
- 法外之徒 band of outsiders; band of outsiers; bande a part; bande à part; down by law
- 法外之徒 (巴) hajduk
- 好酒之徒 big time drinker
- 好色之徒 amorist; carnalist; lecher; lewdster; lothario; old goat; satyr
- 不轨之徒什么意思:bù guǐ zhī tú 【解释】不守法纪或图谋作乱的人。 【拼音码】bgzt