为……颁发了证书、证章和奖品。 awarded the certificate, badge and prize to sb
发奖 award [give; hand out] prizes 给优胜者发奖 award prizes to the winners; 每年向杰出的化学研究人员发奖是这个学会的惯例。 it is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry.; 发奖仪式 prize-giving ceremony
颁发 1.(发布) issue; promulgate 颁发嘉奖令 issue an order of commendation; 颁发宪法 promulgate a constitution; 颁发法令 issue a decree2.(授与) award; confer 颁发奖金 bestow a prize; 颁发奖章 award a medal; 颁发证书 award a certificate
滥发奖金 overissue of bonuses; across-the-board bonuses without regard to merit; distributing bonuses improperly; distribute bonuses at random; handing out bonuses without regard to merit; handing out bonuses without regard to the actual state of production and profit; indiscriminately handing out excessive bonuses; indiscriminate issuance of bonuses; issue bonuese recklessly; issue excessive bonuses; rampant distribution of bonuses
The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports meeting . 市长在学校运动会上颁发奖品。
The headmaster is giving away prizes to the winners 校长在给优胜者颁发奖品。
The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day 市长在学校运动会上颁发奖品
One champion will be chosen from each group and they will get a prize and a record of merit 各组设冠军一名,每组优胜者均获校方颁发奖品乙份及记优点一次
Photo : mrs . mary ma presented the prize to mr . law shui lun , the 1st runner - up of secondary school division 相片:康复专员马罗道韫女士颁发奖品予中学组亚军罗瑞麟先生
Please dress according to our party theme , and we will choose one best toilette from male and female team 请根据“花样年华”的主题来扮靓自己,阿拉将从男女嘉宾中各选取一名最佳着装者,并颁发奖品。
Show time : when the group discussions are accomplished , a few individuals ( excluding talk show guests ) will deliver their speeches . awards will be given to them according to their performance 展示时间:当分组讨论结束后,将请出部分学员进行简短的演讲,并根据其表现颁发奖品!
Data privacy 8 . 1 the personal data supplied by the member is required for the operation of the citybus website members corner and related promotion activities including for the issue of rewards and benefits 1本公司有需要获得会员所提供的个人资料,以用于城巴网页会员天地的营运及安排有关推广活动,包括颁发奖品及优惠。 8
The top winners of the english and chinese groups of the letter writing competition were awarded to leonie xin chao of diocesan girls junior school and lee ling hunt of lasalle junior school respectively . top prizes were presented to the three winners of each contest group and ten prizes of merit to other finalists of each group 英文组及中文组的冠军分别由拔萃女小学的赵欣同学及喇沙小学的李岭亨同学夺得。两组的冠亚季军得奖者以及十名优异奖得奖者均获颁发奖品。奖品总值超过港币三万元。