滥发奖金 overissue of bonuses; across-the-board bonuses without regard to merit; distributing bonuses improperly; distribute bonuses at random; handing out bonuses without regard to merit; handing out bonuses without regard to the actual state of production and profit; indiscriminately handing out excessive bonuses; indiscriminate issuance of bonuses; issue bonuese recklessly; issue excessive bonuses; rampant distribution of bonuses
发奖 award [give; hand out] prizes 给优胜者发奖 award prizes to the winners; 每年向杰出的化学研究人员发奖是这个学会的惯例。 it is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry.; 发奖仪式 prize-giving ceremony
颁发 1.(发布) issue; promulgate 颁发嘉奖令 issue an order of commendation; 颁发宪法 promulgate a constitution; 颁发法令 issue a decree2.(授与) award; confer 颁发奖金 bestow a prize; 颁发奖章 award a medal; 颁发证书 award a certificate
奖金 money award; bonus; premium; reward; bounty; testimonial 年终奖金 year-end bonus; 奖金随经济效益浮动 bonus floating with profits; 奖金工资制 bonus wages system; 奖金税 tax on bonus; 奖金帐目 bonus account; 奖金制度 bonus system
This splendid record will, of course, be financially recognized when bonuses are distributed in december . 当然,这个光辉的记录在12月颁发奖金时将会得到体现。
The staff selected shall be informed accordingly and the presentation of award and photo - taking must be made at the department head meeting 11月度最佳员工在表彰会议上被授予荣誉证书及颁发奖金并与总经理合影。
On the nov 1st morning production manager li made a speech to all the workers and awarded the winners during the skill competition which was held by ni - mh department . he hoped all the workers would like to take the winners as their models to encourage self improvement and enrich the knowledge , and he also hoped that all of the workers would contribute to the ni - mh department further 11月1日早上,生产部李经理给全体员工讲话并给获奖者颁发奖金,希望其他员工也能向他们学习,不断提高自己充实自己,也希望全体员工能更好地为镍氢事业部的发展努力。