颁发: issue; promulgate奖品: prize; award; trophy; testim ...颁发奖金: bestow a prize颁发奖章: award a medal为……颁发了证书、证章和奖品。: awarded the certificate, badge and prize to sb发奖: award [give; hand out] prizes 给优胜者发奖 award prizes to the winners; 每年向杰出的化学研究人员发奖是这个学会的惯例。 it is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry.; 发奖仪式 prize-giving ceremony奖品: prize; award; trophy; testimonial颁发: 1.(发布) issue; promulgate 颁发嘉奖令 issue an order of commendation; 颁发宪法 promulgate a constitution; 颁发法令 issue a decree2.(授与) award; confer 颁发奖金 bestow a prize; 颁发奖章 award a medal; 颁发证书 award a certificate发奖金: give premium launchdischargeshootemit发奖台: victory stand奖,奖品: award奖品 裁决: award奖品,奖金: award奖品,奖杯: trophies (singular - trophy)颁发者: issuer分配,颁发: give away产品研发奖: excellent developer award发奖仪式: prize giving (awarding) ceremony; prize giving ceremony; prize―giving(awarding)ceremony给某人发奖: give sb. sth. as a reward滥发奖金: overissue of bonuses; across-the-board bonuses without regard to merit; distributing bonuses improperly; distribute bonuses at random; handing out bonuses without regard to merit; handing out bonuses without regard to the actual state of production and profit; indiscriminately handing out excessive bonuses; indiscriminate issuance of bonuses; issue bonuese recklessly; issue excessive bonuses; rampant distribution of bonuses乱发奖金: indiscriminate issuing of bonuses(奖杯等)奖品: trophy参赛奖品: badge夺得;赢得(奖品等): bear away分配奖品: prizegiving