be in a fix [dilemma; quandary]; be at a nonplus [plunge]; be hard put to it (for); be in a cleft stick; be locked in the horns of a dilemma; be on [between] the horns of a dilemma; be thrown into a dilemma; between the devil and the deep sea; be up a tree; difficult either to advance or draw back; remain in a very undecided state; stick in the mud
反动当局弄得进退维谷, 不得人心。 the reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited
进退维谷, 左右为难 at a nonplus; between the horns of a dilemma
进退两难 be in [get into] a nice hobble; be between two fires; be caught in a dilemma; be difficult to proceed or draw back; be equally difficult to go on or retreat; be in a dilemma; be on the horns of a dilemma; between the devil and the deep (blue) sea; be unable to advance and unable to retreat; can neither make nor unmake it; it is hard to go forward and hard also to retreat.; it is impossible either to advance or retreat.; stand at bay; there will be difficulty in deciding whether to proceed or retire.; to advance or recede is equally difficult.; to go on is hard and to return is equally so.: 正在进退两难的当口, 我们帮他们下了决心。 at this moment of indecision, we help them make up their minds. 你真叫我有点进退两难。 you place me in sth. of a dilemma
Now, he was in an impossible position . 现在,他处于一种进退维谷的境地。
The lawyer's sharp questioning put him up a tree . 律师提出的尖锐问题,使得他进退维谷。
She talked of the serious straits that the country was in . 她谈到国家正处在进退维谷的困境。
The reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited . 反动当局弄得进退维谷,不得人心。
Nixon, though no doubt nonplussed, continued to keep his thoughts to himself . 尼克松对此事无疑感到进退维谷,然而他依然噤若寒蝉。
He was in the unenviable position of having to choose between imprisonment or exile . 他已陷于进退维谷的地步,不是坐牢就是流放,必须在两者间做出抉择。
In this cruel position count teleki saw but one means of saving his personal honour . 在这种进退维谷的处境下,素来基伯爵为挽救他个人的荣誉只有一条路可走。
I put my answers to these and other questions in a memorandum on the dilemmas of modernization in the hemisphere . 在一份论述本半球现代化问题处于进退维谷境地的备忘录中,我回答了上述的和其他一些问题。
I was torn between the two alternatives 我面对两种选择进退维谷不知何去何从。
I know you are holding a wolf by the ear 我知道你现在是进退维谷了。
进退维谷的法语:ne pouvoir ni avancer ni reculer;être pris entre deux feux;être pris comme dans un étan;être entre l'enclume et le marteau;être pris dans un dilemme;être dans l'impass être dans de mauvais draps être ...
进退维谷的俄语:[jìntuì wéigǔ] обр.; = 进退两难 ни взад, ни вперёд; между двух огней; безысходный
进退维谷什么意思:jìn tuì wéi gǔ 【解释】无论是进还是退,都是处在困境之中。形容进退两难。 【出处】《诗经·大雅·桑柔》:“人亦有言,进退维谷。” 【示例】在我自己的思想上也正感受着一种~的苦闷。(离沫若《革命春秋·创造十年》) 【拼音码】jtwg 【灯谜面】困稻田之中 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容进退两难 【英文】between the devil and the deep b...