- withdraw attack or take cover sense of propriety
- 进退 advance and retreat
- 出没 appear and disappear; come a ...
- 出没 appear and disappear; come and go; haunt 川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。 the wanglang preserve in western sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda. 据说那座老宅子有鬼魂出没。 people say ghosts haunt that old house
- 进退 1.(进和退) advance and retreat 进退出没 withdraw attack or take cover2.(分寸) sense of propriety 不知进退 have no sense of propriety
- 退出 withdraw from; bow out; secede; quit 退出比赛 withdraw from a competition; 退出会场 walk out of a meeting; 退出论战 retreat from a controversy; 退出这家公司 bow out of the company; 退出历史舞台 quit the stage of history; retire [step down] from the stage of history; 退出条约 withdraw from a treaty
- 出没于 a haunted house
- 视出没 apparent rise and set
- 月出没 moonrise and moonset
- 真出没 true rise and set; true rising and setting
- 出没幅角 amplitude
- 出没幅有法 amplitude method
- 出没时幅 time amplitude
- 出没无常 appear and disappear without regularity; appear and disappear at intervals; appear and disappear unexpectedly; appear at intervals; appear unpredictably; come and go unpredictably; may appear or disappear at any time
- 大批出没 infe5steifn 9infzstefen
- 经常出没 haunt
- 经常出没于 haunt about
- 民用日出没 civil sunrise and sunset
- 日真出没 true sunrise and sunset
- 天体出没 rise and set of celestial body
- 不知进退 (没有分寸) have no sense of propriety; not know where to stop
- 海面进退 eustasy; eustatism
- 渐进退覆 progressive offlap
- 进退函数 further function
- 进退机构 driving and reversing mechanism
- 进退两难 be in [get into] a nice hobble; be between two fires; be caught in a dilemma; be difficult to proceed or draw back; be equally difficult to go on or retreat; be in a dilemma; be on the horns of a dilemma; between the devil and the deep (blue) sea; be unable to advance and unable to retreat; can neither make nor unmake it; it is hard to go forward and hard also to retreat.; it is impossible either to advance or retreat.; stand at bay; there will be difficulty in deciding whether to proceed or retire.; to advance or recede is equally difficult.; to go on is hard and to return is equally so.: 正在进退两难的当口, 我们帮他们下了决心。 at this moment of indecision, we help them make up their minds. 你真叫我有点进退两难。 you place me in sth. of a dilemma