in smart clothes; be dressed like a gentleman; be dressed up to the nines; be smartly [immaculately; decently] dressed; dress oneself in conspicuous fashion; dress oneself up in a conspicuous fasion; smug; very neatly and stylishly dressed
衣冠不整 one's cap and robe not in proper order; be sloppily [slouchily] dressed; negligence of dress; not properly dressed; slovenly in one's dress; (he came) with dress all disordered
He was always well-dressed and smart-looking . 他总是衣冠楚楚,样子挺帅。
A well-dressed elderly servant opened the door . 一个衣冠楚楚的老仆人开了门。
The next person i met was a neat little man . 下一个碰见的人是一个衣冠楚楚的小个子。
Even in the shop he persisted in his finery . 那怕是在铺子里干活,他也照样还是衣冠楚楚。
His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club . 他衣冠楚楚,在俱乐部中如鹤立鸡群。
He had not become a trim, self-satisfied city man . 他没有变成一个衣冠楚楚,神气十足的城里人。
He used to be so smart . 他曾经衣冠楚楚。
He is fully dressed . 他衣冠楚楚。
The parade was crowded with richly dressed and bejewelled loafers . 广场上熙熙攘攘尽是些衣冠楚楚佩戴珠宝的游人。
As he went spruce and business-like through the streets of wingsburg, he sometimes stopped and turned quickly about . 当他衣冠楚楚煞有介事地在温士堡街上行走时,他时常停步,迅速转过身来。