hat and clothes; dress 短语和例子
衣冠文物 civilization and culture
衣冠冢 a tomb containing personal effects of the deceased他衣冠楚楚 he is fully dressed武舞衣冠 wu wu i kuan衣冠不整 one's cap and robe not in proper order; be sloppily [slouchily] dressed; negligence of dress; not properly dressed; slovenly in one's dress; (he came) with dress all disordered衣冠楚楚 in smart clothes; be dressed like a gentleman; be dressed up to the nines; be smartly [immaculately; decently] dressed; dress oneself in conspicuous fashion; dress oneself up in a conspicuous fasion; smug; very neatly and stylishly dressed 他衣冠楚楚。 he is fully dressed衣冠楚楚者 coming events cast their shadows before衣冠齐楚 be smartly dressed衣冠禽兽 a beast in human clothing [attire; dress]; a brute; a dressed-up beast; a well-dressed man of beastly temper; be a beast in human form衣冠文物 civilization and culture衣冠整洁的 black-tie衣冠整齐 be neatly dressed crown衣冠枭獍 a man of standing with good outward appearance but wicked in conduct; a beast in human attire; a brute优孟衣冠 disguise [dress up] as sb.; act a part; tread the board -- carry out designs under a false cloak; imitate干净的衣冠楚楚的 dapper他总是衣冠楚楚 il est toujours bien habillé西装革履的,衣冠整洁的 black-tie衣冠楚楚者 未必就是正人君子 clothes do not make the man衣关 iseki衣钩上的大衣 a coat on a hook衣钩 clothes hook衣府水 pouilly fuise衣服褶法不依规格 garments not folded as specifications
He was trim . 他衣冠 整洁。 Dress was the one unfailing talisman and charm used for keeping all things in their places .衣冠 是当作保持品位和秩序的一种万应灵符。 He was never more spick and span or cool and determined than at the last cabinets which he attended . 他比前几次参加内阁会议更加衣冠 齐整,举止从容,态度坚定。 The dress and the etiquette civilization in ancient china衣冠 与中国古代的礼俗文明略谈 Then he was so sprightly , so clean 那时候,他是那么生气勃勃衣冠 整洁。 Where are the hats and clothes of ming dynasty nowadays 大明衣冠 今何在 A well - dressed man pushed open the door and bowed 一位衣冠 整的男人推门进来,他鞠了一个躬。 From of old , confucius temple always likes a headgear of emperors衣冠 文物,盛于江南文采风流,甲于海内 He is a beast in human clothing 他是个衣冠 禽(秦)兽。 See , you should have worn a dress 瞧,你该衣冠 华丽!
衣冠的法语 :habillement costume habit衣冠的日语 :衣服と冠.身なり.服装. 衣冠不整/だらしない身なりをしている. 衣冠楚楚/きちんとした身なりをしている.衣冠的韩语 :[명사]【문어】 (1)옷과 관. 의관. 복장. 옷차림. 衣冠不整; 복장이 단정하지 못하다 衣冠魔鬼; 의관을 갖춘 악마 (2)【비유】 관료. 사대부.衣冠的俄语 :pinyin:yīguān 1) платье и головной убор, парадное одеяние (чиновника) 2) знать; богатый, знатный衣冠什么意思 : 1. 衣和冠。 古代士以上戴冠, 因用以指士以上的服装。 ▶ 《管子‧形势》: “言辞信, 动作庄, 衣冠正, 则臣下肃。” ▶ 《史记‧孔子世家》: “故所居堂弟子内, 后世因庙藏 孔子 衣冠琴车书, 至于 汉 二百馀年不绝。” 2. &nbs...衣冠とは意味 :衣冠 いかん kimono and ancient head-dress