

[ yīguānchǔchǔ ] 发音:   "衣冠楚楚"的汉语解释   用"衣冠楚楚"造句
  • in smart clothes; be dressed like a gentleman; be dressed up to the nines; be smartly [immaculately; decently] dressed; dress oneself in conspicuous fashion; dress oneself up in a conspicuous fasion; smug; very neatly and stylishly dressed 短语和例子


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  1. He was always well-dressed and smart-looking .
  2. A well-dressed elderly servant opened the door .
  3. The next person i met was a neat little man .
  4. Even in the shop he persisted in his finery .
  5. His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club .


        他衣冠楚楚:    he is fully dressed
        衣冠楚楚者:    coming events cast their shadows before
        干净的衣冠楚楚的:    dapper
        他总是衣冠楚楚:    il est toujours bien habillé
        衣冠楚楚者 未必就是正人君子:    clothes do not make the man
        衣冠:    hat and clothes; dress 衣冠文物 civilization and culture
        楚楚:    1.(鲜明; 整洁) bright and clear; tidy; neat 衣冠楚楚 immaculately dressed2.(繁茂) luxuriant3.(娇柔; 纤弱) delicate
        衣冠冢:    a tomb containing personal effects of the deceased
        楚楚甘:    tutugan
        楚楚利:    cuculj
        楚楚宁:    tsutsunen
        楚楚伊:    tutui
        楚楚尤:    tutuiu
        林楚楚:    chuchu lin
        武舞衣冠:    wu wu i kuan
        衣冠不整:    one's cap and robe not in proper order; be sloppily [slouchily] dressed; negligence of dress; not properly dressed; slovenly in one's dress; (he came) with dress all disordered
        衣冠齐楚:    be smartly dressed
        衣冠禽兽:    a beast in human clothing [attire; dress]; a brute; a dressed-up beast; a well-dressed man of beastly temper; be a beast in human form
        衣冠文物:    civilization and culture
        衣冠整洁的:    black-tie
        衣冠整齐:    be neatly dressed crown
        衣冠枭獍:    a man of standing with good outward appearance but wicked in conduct; a beast in human attire; a brute
        优孟衣冠:    disguise [dress up] as sb.; act a part; tread the board -- carry out designs under a false cloak; imitate
        楚楚动人:    lovingly pathetic; delicate and attractive; moving the heart of all who saw her -- fascination of a beauty
        衣关:    iseki
        衣钩上的大衣:    a coat on a hook


        衣冠楚楚的法语:avoir une tenue soignée;avoir une mise impeccable;être habillé avec éléganc être bien vêtu être bien vêtue être propre dans sa tenue
        衣冠楚楚的韩语:옷차림이 깔끔하고 훌륭하다[단정하고 맵시 있다]. 看他穿得衣冠楚楚的, 怎么说话那么粗俗? 그는 옷차림은 깔끔하고 단정한데, 말하는 게 어찌 저리 저속할까?
        衣冠楚楚的俄语:pinyin:yīguānchǔchǔ и платье, и головной убор в полном порядке (обр. о безукоризненно одетом)
        衣冠楚楚什么意思:yī guān chǔ chǔ 【解释】衣帽穿戴得很整齐,很漂亮。 【出处】《诗·曹风·蜉蝣》:“蜉蝣之羽,衣裳楚楚。” 【示例】他整天~,但对工作却漠然置之。 【拼音码】ygcc 【用法】主谓式;作定语、状语、补语;含贬义 【英文】neatly dressed


  1. "衣钩"英文
  2. "衣钩上的大衣"英文
  3. "衣关"英文
  4. "衣冠"英文
  5. "衣冠不整"英文
  6. "衣冠楚楚者"英文
  7. "衣冠楚楚者 未必就是正人君子"英文
  8. "衣冠齐楚"英文
  9. "衣冠禽兽"英文
  10. "衣冠文物"英文


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