a gathering of many people; (a big audience) filled the hall.; a great assemblage of people in a hall; a large gathering in an auditorium; gather together under the same roof; the house is packed with guests.: 老、中、青济济一堂, 共同学习, 相互激励。 gathered together, the old, the middle-aged and the young studied side by side and encouraged each other
欢聚一堂 have a joyous gathering (with); a happy gathering [reunion]; be gathered happily in the same hall; be together on a happy occasion; enjoy a nice meeting together; get together joyously; happily gather under the same roof
Gathered together , the old , the middle-aged and the young studied side by side and encouraged each other . 老、中、青济济一堂,共同学习,相互激励。
The letter was handed to him while he was in full tide of gay and successful conversation, in a whole room-full of company . 当信递给他时,他正在济济一堂的宾客中开怀畅谈,兴致方殷。
Little initiates gathered at the center , playing in joy 小同修济济一堂,玩得兴高采烈。
It is delightful to be among friends , both old and new 新老朋友济济一堂,我感到很愉快。
Noted actuary , healthcare experts and business leaders 著名精算学家、医疗专家和商界领袖济济一堂
A big audience filled the hall 众多观众济济一堂。
Guests discussing about rtx s application in the " real time 与会嘉宾济济一堂,共同探讨rtx在“实时企业”中的应用
Guests and artists in the press conference of the international arts carnival 2005 国际综艺合家欢2005记者会上,嘉宾艺人济济一堂。
Inside the earthy wall crowded , by a thread of sunshine , each eye is brightened 土墙内可谓济济一堂,依靠木窗射入的一丝光线,照亮着一双双眼睛。
A group photo of mentors and mentees of the cumba elite mentorship programme 参与新一届中大mba星级校友学长计划的学长与同学于活动开展礼上济济一堂。