- 塔 Buddhist pagoda; pagoda
- 济济 many; numerous
- 特 particular; special; excepti ...
- 提济济莱特 tizizilet
- 济济 (of people) many; numerous 人才济济 an abundance of capable people; a galaxy of talent
- 济莱 zell; zile; zillah
- 阿济莱 azile
- 济莱尔 zilair
- 济莱留 zileriu
- 潘塔济 pantazi
- 塔济尔 tazir
- 莱特 ashley wright; george wright; jeffrey wright; lait; lajter; lath; latth; layte; leet; leijdt; leiter; leithe; leth; letter; leyte; light; lloyd wright; lyte; patience lovell wright; richard wright; theodore s. wright; wright, frances
- 阿济济安 azizian
- 济济一堂 a gathering of many people; (a big audience) filled the hall.; a great assemblage of people in a hall; a large gathering in an auditorium; gather together under the same roof; the house is packed with guests.: 老、中、青济济一堂, 共同学习, 相互激励。 gathered together, the old, the middle-aged and the young studied side by side and encouraged each other
- 卡福济济 kafodzidzi
- 卡济济河 kazizi
- 鲁济济河 ruzizi river
- 穆济济河 muzizi
- 人才济济 a galaxy of talents; large assembly of men of talent
- 盖济莱干河 ghazila wadi; wadi ghazila
- 基济莱广场 kizilay square
- 利韦济莱 livezile
- 罗伯茨济莱 roberts zile
- 缅济莱谢 miedzylesie
- 穆艾济莱 al mu'ayzilab; mu'ayzilab al