欢聚一堂 have a joyous gathering (with); a happy gathering [reunion]; be gathered happily in the same hall; be together on a happy occasion; enjoy a nice meeting together; get together joyously; happily gather under the same roof
济济一堂 a gathering of many people; (a big audience) filled the hall.; a great assemblage of people in a hall; a large gathering in an auditorium; gather together under the same roof; the house is packed with guests.: 老、中、青济济一堂, 共同学习, 相互激励。 gathered together, the old, the middle-aged and the young studied side by side and encouraged each other
The seventh drawer , gathered stars from the film industry and theatre 七重天记者招待会,星光熠熠聚首一堂。
Kong to help internet industry and business professionals explore and 全球首屈一指的互联网领袖聚首一堂,为各界商务人士提
And services and the most advanced technology in the industry . organised 世界各地的业内人士聚首一堂,欣赏下季最热门的产品之
Moon cake is one of the most popular seasonal foods for the mid - autumn festival 良辰佳节将至,能与良朋亲友聚首一堂,品尝应节食品,确是赏心乐事。
Members take this opportunity to meet old acquaintances , make new friends and share their insights and experiences of the industry 会员藉此良机与同业聚首一堂,彼此进行业界交流及经验分享。
" we come together to share the new technologies available to us and our experiences in making good use of them 他续说:这次我们聚首一堂分享现有新科技的资讯,并交流善用有关科技的经验和心得。
The forum today provides a timely opportunity for business and government leaders to share views and experience on ethical governance 今天的论坛正好让商政领袖聚首一堂,共同就诚信管治这个课题交流意见和经验。
Dining is one of the great pleasures in life ? a time to have fun with friends and family as you enjoy your favourite foods 饮食是生活的重要一环,也是与家人和朋友聚首一堂的机会,一顿既美味又健康的美膳,绝对可以增添生活色彩。