欢聚一堂 have a joyous gathering (with); a happy gathering [reunion]; be gathered happily in the same hall; be together on a happy occasion; enjoy a nice meeting together; get together joyously; happily gather under the same roof
老战友欢聚一堂其乐融融 when old comrades in arms meet their happiness knows no bounds. warm
集聚 1.(集合; 聚合) gather; collect; assemble 集聚一堂 assemble together in one place; 小鸡集聚在母鸡翅膀下面。 the chickens gathered under the hen. 人们集聚在事故现场。 people gathered at the scene of the accident.2.[讯] (扫描行的合并) grouping3.(集中; 浓缩) concentration
60 of the most promising chefs , baristas and bartenders from intercontinental financial street beijing , crowne plaza beijing , crowne plaza park view wuzhou beijing , holiday inn lido beijing , holiday inn chang an west beijing , holiday inn downtown beijing , holiday inn central plaza beijing , holiday inn temple of heaven beijing , holiday inn tianjin and holiday inn binhai tianjin got together for an one day event featuring 4 highly contested categories with the theme ? cuisine for a cause on june 1 搜搜旅游讯) - - 60位来自北京丽都假日饭店、北京金融街洲际酒店、北京国际艺苑皇冠饭店、北京五洲皇冠假日饭店、北京长峰假日酒店、北京金都假日饭店、北京中环假日酒店、北京中成天坛假日酒店、天津假日饭店及天津滨海假日酒店的顶级厨师、咖啡调配师及调酒师于六月一日集聚一堂,以“救助贫困儿童”为主题参加了争夺6个项目的冠军赛。
60 of the most promising chefs , baristas and bartenders from intercontinental financial street beijing , crowne plaza beijing , crowne plaza park view wuzhou beijing , holiday inn lido beijing , holiday inn chang an west beijing , holiday inn downtown beijing , holiday inn central plaza beijing , holiday inn temple of heaven beijing , holiday inn tianjin and holiday inn binhai tianjin got together for an one day event featuring 4 highly contested categories with the theme ? cuisine for a cause on june 1 60位来自北京丽都假日饭店、北京金融街洲际酒店、北京国际艺苑皇冠饭店、北京五洲皇冠假日饭店、北京长峰假日酒店、北京金都假日饭店、北京中环假日酒店、北京中成天坛假日酒店、天津假日饭店及天津滨海假日酒店的顶级厨师、咖啡调配师及调酒师于六月一日集聚一堂,以“救助贫困儿童”为主题参加了争夺6个项目的冠军赛。