- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 头脑 brains; mind
- 聪明 clever; intelligent
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 人 human being; man; person; pe ...
- 聪明的人 a smart cookie; the wise man
- 聪明的人啊 cum sit enim proprium if it is the way
- 假作聪明的人 witling
- 事后聪明的人。 second-guesser
- 自作聪明的人 smart aleck; smarty-pants; wise guy
- 有头脑 be a brain; know better; use one"s head
- 他可是个有头脑的人 he’s a brain
- 〔美俚〕自以为聪明的人。 wise guy
- 房间里最聪明的人 enron: the smartest guys in the room
- 自作聪明的人, 势利鬼 smarty-pants
- 做一个聪明的人 whiz-dom
- 很有头脑 have plenty of brains
- 没有头脑 empty-headed; pinhead
- 没有头脑的 dead above the ears; dead from the neck up
- 明事理;有头脑 know better
- 有头脑的 brainy
- 聪明的 a.ingenious; aptitudinal; brain brainy; brainier; brainiest; bright; cleverly; cute; dexterous; fast-fingered; intellective; intelligent,smart; klug; knowing; knowledgeability; knowledgeable; longheaded; nimble; per icacious; perspicacious; sagacious; sapient - foolish; sensible; understandin; wiser; wisest
- 聪明的人能随机应变 a woman's work is never at an end
- 聪明的人只要能掌握自己 a wise man never loses anything if he has himself.- nietzsche
- 聪明的, 精明的 clever