Intelligent men won't marry nice women . 有头脑的男人是不娶讨人喜欢的女人的。
Thoughtful men gathered from this that a plot was hatching . 有头脑的人根据这种情况推断:必定有一个阴谋在酝酿中。
I thought he was a smart boy, i thought he was too smart to get hung . 我一直以为他是有头脑的孩子。我以为他挺有头脑,不会上瘾的。
He was the sanest of us, with a splendid record in the first world war, a regular lion . 他是我们中最有头脑的人,是一头不倦的雄狮,他在第一次世界大战中战功卓著。
A considerable degree of agnostioism about the supernatural has been a mark of almost all thinking people in the 20th century . 对超自然现象在相当大的程度上采取不可知论的态度是20世纪几乎所有有头脑的人的标志。
Ah , he was the man to have a headpiece , was flint 啊,弗林特他真是个有头脑的人物!
Not even the best brains can solve this problem 就连最有头脑的人也不能解决这个问题。
Actually , that ' s my sister katey . she ' s a real brain 哦,那是我姐姐凯蒂,她可是很有头脑的
28 lin zexu was one of the greatest minds of that age 林则徐是那个时代最有头脑的人物之一。
We all find him a very sensible man 我们都发现他是个很有头脑的人。