

音标:[ yǒutóuwúwěi ]   发音:
  • having a beginning but no end; a thing given up before it is finished; begin a thing but never finish it; begin well but fall off towards the close; leave sth. half done; start off but never finish



  • 例句与用法
  • We had to make the best of it, and that is never worth doing by halves .
  • And it was one of the disappointments of her life , that he never finished
  • Here we have half - finished jobs , loose ends , all glaringly obvious in their collective ugliness
  • Therefore , his omnipotence in some way does reflect the weakness of the movie . perhaps it ll better satisfy our curiosity or make the story little more persuasive if the origin of his supreme ability is well unfolded in the end , but it s not the case . throughout the movie we only know dong - shik is invulnerable , but we are never told why he is so powerful , or how he is able to possess his ability . in fact , there are several parts in the middle that attempt to bring in some hints , but then all of these clues are left unanswered . .
    影片中段曾经数次作出一些暗示性的笔触,令观众期待结局将会十分出人意表,以为洪班长会如hye - jin所言是外星球来的王子,或者如hye - jin同事mi - seon ( kimka - yeon )所言,他有过失踪三年之谜,期间可能曾受伤昏迷后得到超能力,甚至能和雀鸟沟通,可这一切一切,原来都只是编导整人的骗局,都是有头无尾的过场戏,那当观众看到最后,就不免会有点失望了,而洪班长这个角色的神秘感,亦变得荡然无存。
  • Perhaps it ll better satisfy our curiosity or make the story little more persuasive if the origin of his supreme ability is well unfolded in the end , but it s not the case . throughout the movie we only know dong - shik is invulnerable , but we are never told why he is so powerful , or how he is able to possess his ability . in fact , there are several parts in the middle that attempt to bring in some hints , but then all of these clues are left unanswered . .
    影片中段曾经数次作出一些暗示性的笔触令观众期待结局将会十分出人意表以为洪班长会如hye - jin所言是外星球来的王子或者如hye - jin同事mi - seon kim ka - yeon所言他有过失踪三年之谜期间可能曾受伤昏迷后得到超能力甚至能和雀鸟沟通可这一切一切原来都只是编导整人的骗局都是有头无尾的过场戏那当观众看到最后就不免会有点失望了而洪班长这个角色的神秘感亦变得荡然无存。
  • This time , kwong man wai tried to use the same formula again . unfortunately , his inexperience has prevented him from achieving the same result . the biggest problem of this film is that kwong spends too much time to create the enigmatic atmosphere of the story , that a great portion of the film is sacrificed to meaningless scenes
  • Therefore , his omnipotence in some way does reflect the weakness of the movie . perhaps it ll better satisfy our curiosity or make the story little more persuasive if the origin of his supreme ability is well unfolded in the end , but it s not the case . throughout the movie we only know dong - shik is invulnerable , but we are never told why he is so powerful , or how he is able to possess his ability . in fact , there are several parts in the middle that attempt to bring in some hints , but then all of these clues are left unanswered
    影片中段曾经数次作出一些暗示性的笔触,令观众期待结局将会十分出人意表,以为洪班长会如hye - jin所言是外星球来的王子,或者如hye - jin同事mi - seon ( kimka - yeon )所言,他有过失踪三年之谜,期间可能曾受伤昏迷后得到超能力,甚至能和雀鸟沟通,可这一切一切,原来都只是编导整人的骗局,都是有头无尾的过场戏,那当观众看到最后,就不免会有点失望了,而洪班长这个角色的神秘感,亦变得荡然无存。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 有头无尾的日语:しりきれとんぼ 尻 切れとんぼ
  • 有头无尾的韩语:☞[有始无终]
  • 有头无尾的俄语:pinyin:yǒutóuwúwěi незаконченный, незавершённый; непоследовательный
  • 有头无尾什么意思:yǒu tóu wú wěi 【解释】有开头没有收尾。指没有把事情做完。 【出处】《朱子语类》:“若是有头无尾底人,便是忠也不久。” 【示例】做什么事都要善始善终,不能~。 【拼音码】ytww 【灯谜面】断尾巴蜻蜓只留序曲 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义 【英文】have a beginning but no end
  • 推荐英语阅读
有头无尾的英文翻译,有头无尾英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译有头无尾,有头无尾的英文意思,有頭無尾的英文有头无尾 meaning in English有頭無尾的英文有头无尾怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
