Even the most obtuse men perceived something special in noelle . 即使是最没有头脑的笨蛋,也看得出萝爱拉确实非同寻常。
In our days none but immoral or silly people can live without principle . 在我们这个时代里只有不道德的或是没有头脑的人才能够不要原则地过日子。
It was a cacant film for cacant minds 这是一部给没有头脑的人看得无聊影片。
Your sister is such an airhead 你姐姐真是来个没有头脑的人。
The intelligent girl grip her jack always , but the brainless is dallied only 聪明的女人总是能够驾御自己的男人,而没有头脑的则只能被玩弄。
Not long after that , dell computer pointedly attacked compaq in ads that depicted an empty - headed sales guy in a chain store . 不久以后,戴尔计算机在广告中描写了一个在连锁店里的没有头脑的销售员,用此来尖锐地攻击康柏。 ”
I ' m still amused by the people who complain about the deadly threats of a rampant advertising that invades our visual landscape and transform us into decerebrated2 consumers 每当人们抱怨铺天盖地的广告造成的致命威胁时如:入侵我们的视野,并且将我们改造成犹如没有头脑的消费者时,我就觉得很可笑。
The couple were thus revealed to me clearly : both removed their cloaks , and there was " the varens , " shining in satin and jewels , - my gifts of course , - and there was her companion in an officer s uniform ; and i knew him for a young roue of a vicomte - a brainless and vicious youth whom i had sometimes met in society , and had never thought of hating because i despised him so absolutely 于是这一对便清清楚楚地暴露在我面前了。两人都脱去了斗篷,这位名人瓦伦一身绸缎珠光宝气当然是我的馈赠她的陪伴却一身戎装,我知道他是一个vicomet ,一个年青的roue ,一个没有头脑的恶少,有时在社交场中见过面,我却从来没有想到去憎恨他,因为我绝对地鄙视他。