读物 reading matter; reading material 儿童读物 children's books; 科普读物 popular science readings; 课外读物 books for outside reading; 通俗读物 popular literature; 提供良好的读物 furnish good reading matter
Do you need 8 glasses of water every day 我提供“ (有声读物的听力原文)你每天需要喝8杯水吗? ”
Computer - assisted learning might help , or using recorded books instead of printed ones 计算机辅助教学或者利用有声读物来代替印刷品可能能提供帮助。
Computer - assisted learning ( may ) might help , or using recorded books instead of printed ones 计算机辅助学习可能有帮助,或者使用有声读物代替纸制文本。
Computer system ( assisted ) learning may ( might ) help , or using recorded books instead of printed ones 电脑辅助学习可能有用,或者用有声读物代替印刷术也会有帮助。
They record local news and information into audio format for blind and visually impaired people 为了盲人和视障人群的需要,报纸用“有声读物”的形式记录当地新闻和信息。
Find books - on - tape in your local bookstores . listen while you are relaxing at home or while strolling if you have a walkman 在你本地的书店寻找一些有声读物。当你在家放松时或当你带着随身听散步时听。
This information service provides an introduction to the subject and explores interesting facets such as the growing success of audio and e - books 这资讯服务能介绍有关此题材的资料以及特别有趣的范围例如有声读物或数码书籍生产不断上升的成就
It may be video recording of class teaching , or any other forms such as lectures , interviews , screen captures , graphical works and audio books 可以是课堂教学录像,也可以是座谈、访谈、屏幕捕捉、图文制作(包括动漫) 、有声读物、外语听力材料或其他形式。
Mrs heatherington said many of her listeners werelonely and relied on cassette magazines to interact with other people and stayin touch with the outside world 希瑟林顿女士透露,她的许多“收听者”生活孤寂,靠着“有声读物” ,他们才得以与人交流、同外界保持联系。
Mrs allen - king said : " for blind people , the mostimportant thing is the talking newspapers [ on cassette ] because we cannot readprinted newspapers 吉尔.艾伦-金女士告诉我们: “对盲人而言,生活中最重要的部分就是谈论‘有声读物’内容,因为我们没能力阅读报纸的印刷件” 。