读物 reading matter; reading material 儿童读物 children's books; 科普读物 popular science readings; 课外读物 books for outside reading; 通俗读物 popular literature; 提供良好的读物 furnish good reading matter
大众 the masses; the people; the public; the broad masses of the people◇大众电影 popular film; 大众歌曲 popular songs; 大众科学 popular science; 大众文化 mass culture; 大众文艺 art and literature for the masses; popular literature; 大众消费品 popular consumer goods; 大众音乐会 pop concert
The paper , titled " credit card business of commercial banks , " is not an introduction of the basic knowledge about credit cards , or a textbook on the operation and management of credit cards . it is an explanation of the major economic phenomena in the credit card business sector and an exploration of the development of the credit card business , written with a bird - eye view of the credit card industry and in the macroscopic and medium perspective . the paper goes just as the economist zhang wuchang says , " economics is a science to explain economical phenomena . 《商业银行信用卡业务研究》一文,并不是普及信用卡知识的大众读物,也不是信用卡经营管理业务的教科书,而是着眼于信用卡产业的整体情况的考察,从宏观、中观的角度,对发生在信用卡业务领域的主要经济现象进行解释,说明信用卡业务的生存发展之道,正是验证了经济学家张五常教授的名言“经济学是解释经济现象的科学” 。
With ? a ? strong ? impetus ? in ? development , ? cmp ? has ? firmly ? strengthened ? its ? leading ? position ? with ? its ? excellent ? business ? and ? management ? books ? in ? the ? domestic ? book ? market . ? also , ? it ? makes ? a ? great ? contribution ? to ? fostering ? china ' s ? managerial ? talents ? by ? means ? of ? its ? b & m ? textbooks , ? trade ? books ? and ? bestsellers , ? especially ? via ? some ? outstanding ? translated ? titles , ? cmp ? has ? advocated ? to ? the ? mass ? chinese ? readers ? advanced ? managerial ? modes , ? successful ? business ? ideas ? and ? up - to - date ? economic ? ideological ? trends 以其强劲的发展势头,我社经济管理类图书已是全国图书市场上的领头军,以经济管理教材、大众读物、畅销书为主的经管类图书为中国管理人才的培养作出了卓越的贡献,尤其通过引进国外优秀图书,为中国广大读者倡导了先进的管理模式、成功的经营理念、前沿的经济思潮。