- 有声的 phonic; talking; voiced
- 有声片 sound film; talkie; phonofilm
- 有声器 synchro sheet
- 有声书 audio book
- 有声音 sonance; sonancy
- 有声纸 sonosheet
- 有声读物,有声书籍。 audiobook
- 成为有声 vocalize
- 负有声誉 bear reputation
- 感觉有声音 sensation of sound
- 固有声电阻 specific acoustic reactance
- 固有声衰减 attenuation of proper sound
- 固有声音 natural sound
- 固有声阻抗 natural acoustic impedance; specific acoustic impedance
- 恐吓信(有声版) sound test for black mail
- 没有声音 no sounds
- 全有声影片 all talkie
- 享有声望 enjjoy presetige
- 享有声望的 prestigious
- 享有声誉 enjoy the reputation; to win a high admiration
- 有声磁带 sound tape
- 有声词典 sound dictionary
- 有声的,声带的 vocal
- 有声电影 sound motion picture; sound film; talkie
- 有声八毫米电影 talkie 8mm
- 有渗透性地 permeably
- He was adopted into a respectable family .
他被一家有声望的人家收养。 - It is then more impressive than speech .
那就是“此时无声胜有声。” - Her brother was a considerable gentleman there .
她的弟弟是那儿一位有声望的绅士。 - She looked round when she heard the noise behind her .
她听到身后有声响,就回过头去看。 - Have a listen and see if you can hear anything -- i can not .
你听有声音吗我听不见。 - The city fathers of a town were substantial businessmen .
甲镇的市镇官员们都是些有声望的实务家。 - Psyche gave ear to the admonitions of her vocal attendants .
普绪喀听从这些有声无形的外人的意见。 - I have wealth and a reputation and prestige-all that is true .
我有钱,有名声,有声望--这都是事实。 - "meadowbank is a school that really counts" said miss rowan happily .
“芳草地是一所真正有声望的学校”,罗思小姐高兴地说。 - These much-quoted words can apply also to the sonorous prose of bartram .
- 有声的法语:sonore vocalisé voisé
- 有声的日语:有声
- 有声的韩语:[형용사] (1)유성의. 소리가 있는. 有声放映机; 토키 영사기 ↔[无wú声] →[默mò片] (2)【문어】 명성이 있다. 이름나다. 유명하다. 有声报纸; 유명한[이름난] 신문
- 有声的俄语:pinyin:yǒushēng 1) звуковой; голосовой 2) известный, знаменитый, славный
- 有声什么意思:有声誉;著称。 ▶ 《诗‧大雅‧文王有声》: “ 文王 有声, 遹骏有声。” ▶ 晋 陆机 《汉高祖功臣颂》: “ 张耳 之贤, 有声 梁 魏 。” ▶ 明 沈德符 《野获编‧督抚‧秦中丞》: “ 沈 登甲戌进士, 授 粤 之 顺德 令, 以清峻称。 入为郎, 出为守, 俱有声。”
- 有声とは意味:有声 ゆうせい voiced vocal