- affection as high as the heaven and hatred as deep as the sea; the deep love or regret between men and women
- 情 feeling; affection; sentimen ...
- 天 sky; heaven
- 恨海 deep hatred
- 难补情天恨 lady sings the blues
- 铁幕情天恨 the girl from petrovka
- 恨海情天 unrewarding love
- 恨海 deep hatred 恨海难填 the sea of hatred [regrets] is hard to fill up. 恨海无边 a sea of eternal regrets
- 我今天恨迟 electric girl
- 恨海芳魂 woman in grief
- 恨海难填 deep hatred
- 恨海情花 of love and hate
- 恨海情鸳 regretful lovers
- 恨海无边 a sea of eternal regrets
- 情天劫 a fatal love; song of the midnight
- 有情天 a handful of dust; elsker dig for evigt; the earthling
- 爱情天堂 who shot patakango
- 碧海情天 grand bleu, le
- 窗外有情天 a handful of dust; elsker dig for evigt; open hearts
- 等待有情天 cest ca la vie
- 恩怨情天 between love and hatred; cal; manon des sources; monon of the spring; unforgiven
- 法网情天 hidden truths
- 烦恼偷情天 reines d'un jour
- 肥妹有情天 phat girlz
- 烽火有情天 the proposition
- 告别有情天 farewell my dearest; gao bie you qing tian; the remains of the day