Do you know the iegend of ' cicinnurus regius ' 你知不知道长恨歌的传说?
My id is ' cicinnurus regius ' when i see you on iine 我注册的id是“长恨歌”我下次看到你在线的时候
Everlasting regret special edition 长恨歌特别版
Song of everlasting sorrow and song of a pipa player are the lasting masterpieces , which exhibit an almost perfect unity of narrative technique and lyrical artistry in ancient classical poetry 《长恨歌》与《琵琶行》把中国古典诗歌的叙事手法和抒情艺术相结合,几乎达到了完美的程度,成为千古名作。
Her most challenging novel , changhen ge ( song of everlasting sorrow , 1996 ) , is a beautifully written transhistorical epic tracing the trials and tribulations of a former shanghai beauty pageant winner from the 1940s to the present 她的最有挑战性的作品, 《长恨歌》 (无尽悲伤之歌, 1996 ) ,是一部优美的、超越历史足迹的往事之歌,是从40年代至今,一位早期上海叱咤风云人物的苦难。
Will offer 10 new tracks that were carefully selected from a source material pool of no less than 1000 songs . finally , according to the latest news there is also going to be an additional 11th tune , which will present a collaboration work between jolin and another gifted singer description of " dancing diva hong kong special edition 长恨歌故事背景是上世纪40年代到80年代的上海,延续了胭脂扣的伤感情怀,再加上美指大师张叔平挥不掉上海情意结,本片被誉为是一部上海风情画卷,亦是关锦鹏继阮玲玉后又一细腻之作。