Canals have been built to take water to the desert .开掘 渠道把水引进沙漠。 Although the sea around them was thought to be rich in oil and minerals, it was uneconomic to utilize them . 尽管人们认为它们周围的海域有丰富的石油和矿藏,但是开掘 这些资源很不经济。 Exploring the modern value from the traditional moral principles 论传统伦理道德的现代价值开掘 A great deal of tin used to be mined in the southwestern part of england 在英国西南部曾一度开掘 出大量的锡。 The government allocated 52 pounds for sinking of 5 wells in the city of victoria 政府拨备52英镑,开掘 五口水井。 The definit approach of digging angle of altitude of by mechanically punching machine 穿孔机开掘 天槽眼仰角的确定方法 He is like a man building a house , who dug and went deep and laid a foundation on the rock 48他像一个人盖造房子,开掘 深挖,把根基安在磐石上。 Lk . 6 : 48 he is like a man building a house , who dug and went deep and laid a foundation on the rock 路六48他像一个人盖造房子,开掘 深挖,把根基安在盘石上。 He is in the naturalistic frame , dig to the depths little by little , can explore that advances 他是在写实的框架中,一点一滴地向深处开掘 ,一步一个脚印得探索前进。 To some extent , we can say , human resource may be the last resource to be explored in the earth 甚至有人称,人力资源有可能是这个星球上等待被开掘 的最后一项资源。
开掘的法语 :déterrer开掘的日语 :開削する.掘る. 开掘运河/運河を開削する.开掘的韩语 :[동사] (1)파다. 굴착하다. 开掘运河; 운하를 파다 开掘新的矿井; 새로운 갱도를 뚫다 (2)(문학·예술에서 제재·인물의 사상·현실 등을) 깊이 탐색하여 충분히 표현하다. 主题抓得准, 开掘得深; 주제를 정확히 파악하여 깊이 있게 표현하다 大胆地向生活真实进行开掘; 대담하게 생활의 진실을 탐구하다开掘的俄语 :pinyin:kāijué разрабатывать (горные богатства), поднимать (целину)开掘什么意思 :kāijué ①挖:~新的矿井。 ②文艺上指对题材、人物思想、现实生活等深入探索并充分表达出来。